What is this question supposed to mean? If you had a comprehendible grounding in the English language, then I suppose one of the members of WikiAnswers would be able to assist you. But sadly, your English skills are lacking to the extent that no one is able to help you. I suggest using Google.com in your case.
Science creates technology which helps create science! Technology is like robotics and computers science is chemicals and nano technology they support each other!
Science and Technology are the same because Technology is another word for Science and what you do in Technology, you do in Science.Its pretty much the same really.
science and technology is not always perfect
Science is the system of acquiring knowledge and technology is the usage and the use of tools, crafts and knowledge. Science influences technology and technology influences science also technology and science are influenced by society and society is influenced by technology and science. It is like triangle that each side affects the other sides.
science is an open ended subject and technology is an application of science.
Science relates to technology because science created technology. It was the knowledge and experimentation of science that lead to the creation of technology.
Science and Technology=Science and technology is a term of art used to encompass the relationship between science and technology. It frequently appears within titles of academic disciplines (science and technology studies) and government offices (Office of Science and Technology).=
Technology is science
Yes. The root of technology is science . As science evolves, technology also evolves .
what are the effect of comunication of science and technology, or science and technology effect on communication.
technology is the application of science
Science and Technology=Science and technology is a term of art used to encompass the relationship between science and technology. It frequently appears within titles of academic disciplines (science and technology studies) and government offices (Office of Science and Technology).=
Science creates technology which helps create science! Technology is like robotics and computers science is chemicals and nano technology they support each other!
science is the origin of technology. Without science it is impossible to create technology. so you can say first science and then technology.seoserviceworld
Short answer: neither Long answer: Science and technology are interdependent of each other. Science relies on technology to progress, and technology relies on science to do the same.
Science first because you can't invent a technology that will improve and make the work easier without science.
Science and Technology are the same because Technology is another word for Science and what you do in Technology, you do in Science.Its pretty much the same really.