The MSBACKUP program in DOS receives its settings from the setup file. This setup file features a .set extension and is created after you make file selections and configure backup settings.
A backup copy.
That's entirely up to the programmer. A program could create 0 files or 50 million files (or any number in between).
TIFF files are image files. They need to be opened in some type of image viewing program or image editing program like Photoshop.
A user can run a program from the operating system command line, passing parameters. For example, in the case of a Java program: Java MyClass John Doe 1 2 3 In this example, the program "Java.exe" receives all the parameters starting with "MyClass" - a total of 6 parameters in this example. Then, the JVM runs the class "MyClass", and this class receives the remaining five parameters - as an array of strings. You can pass any information to a program this way; for example, a program that processes files might receive the file name, or a directory (folder) name as a parameter.
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Novastor backup
A backup utility allows you to copy selected files or an entire hard disk to another storage medium
You need a program such as Winzip - do a web search, and you'll find thousands of sites offering the program.
The files which store the copy of your original data are called backup files. In windows backup files are created by NTbackup utility and windows backup and restore utilities. These backup files have .bkf file extension.
Part of the WinXP operating system is the ability to create a backup copy (ISO Image) of files you wish to safeguard. If you are not able to find the backup program in the Applications Folder then the Help Files have proved useful
With the program known as Handy Backup, one can back up his or her important files onto a CD or DVD-RW. Handy Backup is available for a few operating systems, including Windows.
.dmp files are usually backup files. That means, if something oes wrong with the program that created the .dmp file, it won't be able to repair itself, because it won't find it's backup. Of course, if it isn't a very important program for you, you can delete them.
If you've deleted your Windows 8 program files by mistake, you can do a recovery and put it back to factory settings. Make sure you backup your files before doing so.
your looking for a security tab when you right click on the file. edit the file permissions - and look for take ownership. you have to be admin to start with - but this will allow access to the files. another trick is to use the backup program installed with windows. Through the backup program you will be able to gain access to admin files as admin is also a backup operator - and the backup api allows circumvention of file permissions - it also doesn't set the audit flag.
Drive backup softward is used to protect important files in the case of accidental deletion and or malfunction of a computer or software program. Everyone should have one!
selective backup