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Q: The artificial means by which man extends his ability to adapt to the environment is?
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What is the artificial means by which man extends his ability to adapt to the environment called?

Technology, as stated in Henslin's Essentials of Sociology in Chapter 15.

What is the artificial means by which humans extend their ability to adapt to the environment?

technology-as discussed in chapter 15 of Essentials of Sociology 9th edition by Henslin, 2011.

What is adapt to environment?

Their ability to change colors allows them to camouflage themselves by blending into the background.

What adapt chameleons to is environment?

Their ability to change colors allows them to camouflage themselves by blending into the background.

What is a process that enables an orginisam to survive?

homeostasis or the ability for an organism to adapt or react and survive in its environment

What is a human environment?

A human environment is a man made environment like a city.Pretty much anywhere. Humans have the luxurious ability to adapt, thrive, and live anywhere!

How do leeches adapt to their environment?

how do leeches adapt their environment

What type of Physical advantage enable early humans to adapt to their environment?

The ability to sweat profusely to stay cool

What is the word meaning ability to blend in?

The word you are looking for is "assimilate." It means to blend in or adapt to a new environment or culture.

How does a hummingbird adapt to its environment?

Humming Birds have the ability to hover meaning they can postion themselves in way that they drink nectar easily.

Why do plants have to adapt with their environment?

If plants do not adapt, they do not survive in that particular environment.

How did Jamestown colonists adapt to their environment?

How did Jamestown colonists adapt to their environment?