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Q: The age of an event of object compared with other events or objects is called its?
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What is an example of an aggregate object?

An aggregate object is an object that contains other objects for the purpose of grouping those objects as a unit. It is also called a container or a collection. Examples are a linked list and a hash table.

What is object-orientated language?

An object oriented language uses concepts of classes, objects, and methods. Rather than just having plain functions to store procedural instructions, a program written in an object-oriented language like Java has classes that are basically blueprints to create objects. Objects have their own little functions called methods. Objects can have their own variables too. Of course, there are much more complex concepts in object-oriented programming such as inheritance and polymorphism.

What is aggregation in C plus plus?

Aggregation and composition are two sides of the same coin. Both an aggregate and a composite object encapsulate one or more sub-objects. But while a composite object owns its sub-objects, an aggregate object does not. That is, when a composite object is destroyed, its sub-objects are also destroyed. But with an aggregate object, the sub-objects are not destroyed. Aggregate objects typically use references or pointers to refer to their sub-objects, whereas composite objects typically use member variables or pointers to refer to their objects. In essence, a composite object instantiates its own sub-objects, whereas an aggregate object's sub-objects must be passed to it, typically via the constructor. In complex models you will often find a combination of composition, aggregation and inheritance, even within the same object.

Important features of objecy oriented programming?

Object oriented programming represents concepts as objects that have data fields or attributes that describe the object. Associated procedures are called methods. Objects are used to interact with one another to design applications and computer programs.

What kind of things become object in oops in c?

C is not an object-oriented programming language, therefore nothing can become an object. The term can only loosely be applied to data types in general but without encapsulated methods they cannot be called objects as such.

Related questions

What is a change in an object's position compared to fixed objects around it?

A change in an object's position compared to fixed objects around it is called displacement. Displacement measures the overall change in position from the starting point to the ending point, taking into account both distance and direction of movement.

What is a change in an object's position as compared to objects around it?

A change in an object's position relative to other objects is called motion. It refers to the movement of an object through space and can be described in terms of distance, speed, and direction. Motion can be linear, circular, or oscillatory depending on the path followed by the object.

One objects motion as compared to an object in a fixed position?


The amount of matter in an object compared to the space it takes up?

The amount of matter in an object compared to the space it takes up is known as density. Density is a measure of how tightly packed the particles in an object are. Objects with higher density have more mass for a given volume compared to objects with lower density.

What could be the temperature at cold objects compared to hot objects?

Cold objects generally have lower temperatures compared to hot objects. The temperature of a cold object is typically below room temperature (20-25 degrees Celsius), while the temperature of a hot object is usually above room temperature. The temperature difference between cold and hot objects can vary depending on the specific temperature of each object.

How is the motion of an object compared to other objects that are standing still?

When an object is in motion, it is changing its position with respect to time. Other objects that are standing still appear stationary relative to the object in motion. The motion of an object is defined by its speed, direction, and acceleration, which are compared to the stationary objects to determine the object's movement.

What is it called when the apperent shift in the position of an object when viewed from two locations?

Parallax is the apparent difference in the position of a nearer object, compared to more distant background objects, when viewed from two different positions.

Is the force of gravity on an object independent or dependent to the object's mass?

The force of gravity on an object is dependent on the object's mass. Objects with more mass experience a greater force of gravity compared to objects with less mass.

Is an objects density the measure of the amount of matter in the object compared to known masses?

Yes, an object's density is the measure of how much mass is contained in a given volume. It is calculated by dividing an object's mass by its volume, providing a relative measure of how tightly-packed the matter is within the object compared to a known standard, such as water.

How does the mass of an object affect the outcome when an unbalanced force acts on it?

When an unbalanced force acts on an object, the mass of the object determines how much it accelerates. Objects with greater mass require more force to accelerate compared to objects with less mass. Therefore, the outcome of the acceleration will be greater for objects with less mass compared to objects with more mass when the same unbalanced force is applied.

Change in position of one object compared to the position of another?

The change in position of an object compared to a reference point(another object) is called motion.

An objects what is a measure of the amount of matter in the object compared to known masses?

The measure of the amount of matter in an object compared to known masses is called mass. Mass is a scalar quantity that is typically measured in kilograms (or grams) using a balance or a scale.