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Q: Should us continue to build nuclear power plants?
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What step did carter want to take to reduce U.S dependence on foreign oil?

build more nuclear plants

What step did carter take to reduce us dependency on foreign oil?

Build more nuclear plants

No one has proved conclusively that North Korea’s nuclear power plants constitute a danger to people living in their immediate vicinity. Therefore, it is perfectly safe to continue to build nuclear power plants near large metropolitan centers?

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Explain how to improve the amount of nuclear energy with illustration?

Build more nuclear power plants!

What is an advantage of coal power plants over nuclear power plants?

Coal Power plants are cheaper to build.

What do you have to do to get nuclear energy?

You have to build a nuclear reactor which is an assembly of nuclear fuel and a moderator, which enables a chain fission reaction to start and continue, which releases thermal energy.

What is an advantage of nuclear power plants over coal power plant?

Coal Power plants are cheaper to build.

Where is the nearest nuclear power plant to Finland?

In Finland. There are several nuclear power plants in Finland and more are likely to be build.

Why build nuclear power plants beside big bodies of water?

For the cooling system of the power plant

What is the republican party stance on energy?

Drill baby drill. Green energy is fine in concert with oil but is not an alternative source of energy. Build nuclear plants. The liberals has oposed nuclear plants for too long...

Why dont you use nuclear fusion power plants?

Because we do not have the technology to build them. It may be 50 years before we do.

Are nuclear power plants cheap?

They are expensive to build but relatively cheap to run because the fuel costs are lower.