In Unix, with a C program you can run a quick function to do this. There is an example at:(link moved to link section)AnswerIn Solaris, you need to disconnect your program from your "terminal" ( scripts generally inherit the stdin, stdout, and stderr of your shell when you execute them ). For a shell program you can execute "nohup $program < /dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1 &". Or the shell program can redirect its own stdin, stdout, and stderr -- then you can execute "nohup $program &".
The shell interprets the script, while the C-compiler generates a binary executable.
A basic shell program should essentially emulate a command prompt with a very limited set of commands, such as exit to close the shell and possibly cd to change the current directory. Shell's are typically used to spawn other processes, but a basic shell will typically limit which processes may be allowed to run.
A shell function will do nothing unless it is explicitly called by other code, typically in a shell script. A shell script is a runnable, executable process, which can call other shell scripts and/or functions. The question might be worded backwards - it is necessary to write shell functions for shell scripts when certain logical functionality is required to be performed multiple times. Consider a shell function equivalent to a program subroutine - they operate the same way.
Examples of compound nouns for the word 'shell' are:bombshellclam shelleggshellnutshellseashellshellfireshellfishshell shockedsoft-shelltortoiseshell
No, the noun 'shell' is not a compound noun.A compound noun is a noun made up of two or more words joined to form a noun with a meaning of its own.Examples of compound nouns:bombshellclam shellcockleshelleggshellnutshellseashellshellfireshellfishshell shock
The shell of a clam is primarily made of calcium carbonate. This compound gives the shell its hardness and strength to protect the soft body of the clam.
In an interactive shell session the shell program waits for the user to type in a command. When receiving a command the shell program will then attempt to locate it and process (execute) the command. You are interacting with the shell. Running a shell file requires a pre-stored series of commands stored in a file. Unless the shell program you are running is interactive then the shell executes each command in sequence, without involving the user at all.
The 'shell' is a user interface program that interfaces between a user of the system and the Operating System. It is the user interface.
write a shell program for finding out gcd of three given numbers? write a shell program for finding out gcd of three given numbers? write a shell program for finding out gcd of three given numbers? check bellow link
If you are asking about a shell script, just create a text file with the commands you want to execute inside it. Then, make the file executable and readable and you have a shell script file. A shell program is more complicated; you need to support the user features that most users would expect a shell program or shell interpreter to do. I would suggest studying the source code of a current shell program to see how to go about implementing one of your own.
No. The valence shell of each atom in the compound is filled, each achieving a noble gas configuration.
a stable compound