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1. Wear safety glasses/goggles

2. Tie back long hair

3. Store chemicals on shelves with labels

4. Keep bags away from burners

5. Turn of gas when not in use

6. Light Bunsen burners on orange 'safety' flame

7. Wash hands after handling chemicals

8. Keep a fire extinguisher handy

9. Wipe up spills immediately

10. Keep reactive metals in jars filled with oil.

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13y ago
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4mo ago

Wear appropriate protective gear such as goggles, lab coat, and gloves. Always follow proper handling and disposal procedures for chemicals. Ensure good ventilation and be aware of emergency procedures like eyewash stations and fire extinguishers. Never work alone and always be mindful of potential hazards.

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10y ago

There are a number of safety instructions in a chemical engineering laboratory. This includes wearing protective clothing, reading all instructions before attempting an experiment and washing your hands after touching substances among others.

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12y ago

First of all, pay attention to what you are doing and what you are working with.

Always wear safety glasses or goggles when working with dangerous chemicals.

Know where the laboratory safety equipment is located.

Tell the instructor of any accidents immediately.

Keep food and drinks out of the laboratory work area.

When dealing with chemicals, always read labels carefully to be absolutely certain that you have the right chemical.

Sometimes you will be told to use a certain concentration of a solution. In those cases, be sure you check the label for concentration as well as the name of the chemical.

Never mix chemicals that you haven't been told to mix without an "okay" from the instructor.

If you spill a chemical, wipe it up immediately and advise the instructor. Be sure to let the instructor know what you have spilled.

If you get any chemical on you, rinse it off immediately with lots of water and let the instructor know what you spilled on your way to rinsing it off.

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14y ago

Safety precautions usually include:

Close toed shoes, apron, goggles

along with whatever warnings or cautions the lab provides.

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Q: Safety precautions to be observe in a chemistry laboratory?
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What is Improvisation in chemistry laboratory?

Improvisation in a chemistry laboratory refers to the ability to think quickly on your feet and adapt to unexpected situations. It involves making creative decisions to address problems or challenges that may arise during experiments. This skill is important for ensuring the smooth progression of experiments and maintaining safety in the laboratory.

When examining the physical properties of an unknown substance characteristics is unsafe to observe?

It is unsafe to directly observe the unknown substance's reaction with open flames or highly reactive chemicals without proper safety precautions. Additionally, it is dangerous to inhale or ingest the substance without knowing its potential hazards. Always follow proper safety protocols and consult with experts if unsure.

Why is safety symbol important in laboratory?

Safety symbols in the laboratory are important because they help to quickly communicate potential hazards and necessary precautions to anyone working in the space. These symbols help to ensure that individuals understand the risks associated with certain chemicals, equipment, or procedures, which can ultimately prevent accidents and injuries. Additionally, they promote a culture of safety awareness and compliance in the lab environment.

What precautions must be taken when handling 0.5M HCl and 0.3M KOH solutions in the laboratory?

When handling 0.5M HCl and 0.3M KOH solutions in the laboratory, precautions should include wearing appropriate personal protective equipment such as lab coat, gloves, and safety goggles to prevent contact with skin or eyes. These solutions should be handled in a fume hood to avoid inhaling potentially harmful vapors. In case of spills, both solutions should be neutralized and cleaned up according to laboratory safety protocols.

What are the safety precautions to be observed in laboratory when heating substances?

When heating substances in a laboratory, always wear appropriate personal protective equipment such as safety goggles, gloves, and a lab coat. Ensure proper ventilation and use a fume hood if necessary to avoid inhaling harmful fumes. Always use heat-resistant glassware and equipment, and handle hot items with caution to prevent burns.

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What are the different safety precautions in a laboratory?

Appropriate safety precautions for a laboratory vary widely depending on the kind of lab, the kind of work performed in the lab, and whether it is an educational or working lab. For example an organic chemistry lab requires precautions that are substantially different for those needed in an electrical engineering lab.

How can you observe safety precaution?

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What are the different safety precaution in laboratory?

Appropriate safety precautions for a laboratory vary widely depending on the kind of lab, the kind of work performed in the lab, and whether it is an educational or working lab. For example an organic chemistry lab requires precautions that are substantially different for those needed in an electrical engineering lab.

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List down some of the laboratory precautions?

animal safety. sharp objects safety. chemical safety. fire safety. poison safety. eye safety.

Why is it important for you to follow safety precautions in your biology laboratory?

that way your and the people around you dont get hurt.

Why do you need to observe safety rules in the laboratory?

Observing safety rules in the laboratory is crucial to prevent accidents, injuries, and exposure to hazardous materials. It also helps protect the health and well-being of yourself and others, as well as ensures the accuracy and reliability of experimental results.

Why should you observe safety precautions while caring for animals?

When caring for animals, and in all your other activities, you should practice appropriate safety precautions because you do not want to be injured or worse, and precautions help you avoid that.

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Why we study margin of safety?

safety measures are learned by virtue of experience. it is part and parcel of our duty to observe safety precautions to avoid damage or injury. because no repenting will recover/retrieve the damage occurred.

Do UK navy submarines have safety precautions?

Yes, they have lots of safety precautions.

Computer laboratory for safety and tools?

Some safety precautions n a computer lab would be: do not have trailing wires or cables; do not write down and stick on the PC any username and password combinations; obey health and safety regulations for that lab. It is also important to know where the fire exits are and where the correct fire extinguishers are.