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Embedded Software Engineer- An embedded systems engineer may be in charge of all elements of a system. An embedded system's design, development, building, testing, and maintenance are examples of this. While embedded systems often have software and hardware components, many of the engineers engaged will concentrate on the software. As a result, the terms embedded systems engineer and embedded software engineer are sometimes used interchangeably. An embedded systems engineer may be in charge of all elements of a system. An embedded system's design, development, building, testing, and maintenance are examples of this. While embedded systems often have software and hardware components, many of the engineers engaged will concentrate on the software. As a result, the terms embedded systems engineer and embedded software engineer are sometimes used interchangeably.

Application Software Engineer- Software engineers create software programs and are frequently involved in the specifics of their creation. In a world where apps and online development are becoming increasingly important, software engineers have plenty of job opportunities in various sectors. That might offer a wide range of employment options for prospective software developers. Professionals consult with system programmers, analysts, and other engineers to gather data for system design, capability projections, and performance interfaces. In addition to analyzing customer demands, computer software experts offer consulting services to discuss design components and arrange software installation.

Web Developer- Websites are created and maintained by web developers. They're also in charge of the site's technical features, such as performance and capacity, as well as measurements of a website's speed and the amount of traffic it can manage. Web developers may also contribute to the site's content. Digital designers create, design, and test the layout, functionality, and navigation of a website or interface for usability. In addition, they are responsible for the website's look and functionality.

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Vipin Rawat

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3y ago
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18y ago

The difference between a developer and an engineer and an architect are; a developer comes up with the software ideal and architect designs the program and and engineer make the program to work on computers.

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15y ago

software engineering is the developing of the sofware itself and software architecture is the design of the software, pretty similar than a contruction engineering and a architect the first one is in charge of supervising an making sure the construction get done correctly and the second one is in charge of making sure look beautifull this 2 are very in close contact. Same thing with software example: the guys at microsoft, the engineers make sure when you open a window that windows stay open with all the options in it while the software architect make sure look good like add the colors and make it square add all those logos here and there, if they do not work together the engineer might feel perfectly fine making all windows black with the "c:\ " prompt only and we will be bored all time, in other words one creates the harcore code while the other one make sure everything look eye candy. imaging if all contruction engineer made all houses square with nothing but four walls and not even painting or decorations while still works does not look good.

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15y ago

A software engineer is a person who applies the principles of software engineering to the design, development, testing, and evaluation of the software and systems that make computers or anything containing software, such as chips work.

The software architecture of a program or computing system is the structure or structures of the system, which comprise software components, the externally visible properties of those components, and the relationships between them. The term also refers to documentation of a system's software architecture.

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