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Planning is Looking Ahead is true because it contributes heavily to success and gives us some control over the future. By, planning we set aside our tasks and deadlines so we can enlarge our mental focus and seeing the bigger picture. By, planning we can set our Personal or organizational goals and for this defiantly we have to look ahead.

But, Planning is not ending with such strategies or guidelines. It has relation with Implementation and controls. Because plans are not always proceed as conceived. The control process measures progress towards goal attainment and indicate corrective action if too much deviation is detected.

Controlling investigates whether planning was successful.

Controlling referred to as terminal management function, takes place after the other functions have been completed. And for this process we have to look back and have to analyze the performance of our planning, organizing and leading. And therefore we have to look back also.

So, yes we can say Control is looking back for Investigation, Analysis, and Understandings and for checking our effectiveness and efficiency.

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Q: Planning is looking ahead and control is looking back?
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Planning is looking ahead and control is looking back comment with appropriate with suitable example?

Planning is looking ahead and control is looking back comment with appropriate with suitable example? Read more:Planning_is_looking_ahead_and_control_is_looking_back_comment_with_appropriate_with_suitable_example

Planning is looking a head and controlling is looking back?

planning may be looking ahead whilst controlling is ensuring the planning comes to a sucessful conclusion

Planning is looking ahed and control is looking back comment?

I disagree. Planning is indeed looking ahead, but control is looking at the present (not the past) and having some influence on how the present will behave in the future. Control is having a feedback loop, where the current status of the system will cause actions that will influence the future state of the system.

''planning is looking ahead and control is looking back-comment?

Planning is Looking Ahead is true because it contributes heavily to success and gives us some control over the future. By, planning we set aside our tasks and deadlines so we can enlarge our mental focus and seeing the bigger picture. By, planning we can set our Personal or organizational goals and for this defiantly we have to look ahead. But, Planning is not ending with such strategies or guidelines. It has relation with Implementation and controls. Because plans are not always proceed as conceived. The control process measures progress towards goal attainment and indicate corrective action if too much deviation is detected. Controlling investigates whether planning was successful. Controlling referred to as terminal management function, takes place after the other functions have been completed. And for this process we have to look back and have to analyze the performance of our planning, organizing and leading. And therefore we have to look back also. So, yes we can say Control is looking back for Investigation, Analysis, and Understandings and for checking our effectiveness and efficiency.

Planing is looking a head and control is looking back comments?

Planning is deciding the future, looking back is deciding the past.

Planning is looking ahead control is looking back?

Planning involves setting goals and making decisions for the future, while control involves monitoring and evaluating actual outcomes to ensure they align with the planned goals. Planning helps to establish direction and purpose, while control helps to measure performance and make adjustments as needed. Both are essential elements of effective management.

Planning is looking ahead and control is looking back. justify?

Planning looks future of organization and makes policy for present situation of organization. If we secure present future will also balanced automatically. Control is only for maintain 3M (Man,Money,Machinery) every firm wants to increase its resource than previous so they always looks back and makes controlling system stronger.

What services are offered by Moneyback?

Money Back Solutions is a financial planning service located in Massachusetts, USA. They specialize in retirement planning and planning ahead for long term care needs.

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he was planning on to go to the new world, but he had stopped beucase of the rapids up ahead in Montreal so he headed back to France.

Different between planning and controlling?

Relationship between planning and controllingPlanning and controlling are fuctions of management, they are closely related. The scope of activities if both are overlapping to each other. Without the basis of planning, controlling activities becomes baseless and without controlling, planning becomes a meaningless exercise. In absense of controlling, no purpose can be served by. Therefore, planning and controlling reinforce each other. According to Billy Goetz, " Relationship between the two can be summarized in the following pointsPlanning preceeds controlling and controlling succeeds planning.Planning and controlling are inseperable functions of management.Activities are put on rails by planning and they are kept at right place through controlling.The process of planning and controlling works on Systems Approach which is as follows :Planning → Results → Corrective ActionPlanning and controlling are integral parts of an organization as both are important for smooth running of an enterprise.Planning and controlling reinforce each other. Each drives the other function of management.In the present dynamic environment which affects the organization, the strong relationship between the two is very critical and important. In the present day environment, it is quite likely that planning fails due to some unforeseen events. There controlling comes to the rescue. Once controlling is done effectively, it give us stimulus to make better plans. Therfore, planning and controlling are inseperate functions of a business enterprise.Control and planning are interrelated. Without control all the planning is fruitless because control consists of the steps taken to ensure that the performance of the organization conforms to the plans.In other words control is concerned with the actual performance in relation to the standards set in advance and the correction of deviations to ensure attainment of objectives. Planning is required at the very outset of management whereas control is required at the last stages.If planning is looking ahead, control is looking back. In fact, control is the process of checking to determine whether or not proper progress is being made towards the objectives and goals set by management while doing planning.Often it is said that planning is the basis, action is the essence, delegation is the key, information is the guide and control is the lifeblood of the success of any business enterprise. Organizational objectives cannot be achieved without planning and planning alone cannot be successful. If extra efforts are put in planning and control is ignored, a business may suffer from a number of administrative problems. These difficulties may be highly detrimental for the business in the long run.

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