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Q: Multiple choice questions on computer networks?
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How should you answer the multiple choice test portion of an application?

On any multiple choice test if you follow a few simple steps you have a better chance of finishing with a good score. 1. First answer the questions you are sure of. 2. If you positivly do NOT know an answer, choose either the "longest answer" or "C". You'll have a better chance of getting it right. This is by no means foolproof or guarenteed. The BEST way to answer any test is to study and be prepared.

Which of the these industrial revolution inventions came first?

In order to ask a multiple choice question on this website you must include the choices in the question so people know what they are.

Write a program for a matchstick game being played between the computer and a user What if your program should ensure that the computer always wins using c plus plus?

The following example demonstrates a simple implementation using 15 matches where you take turns removing 1, 2 or 3 matches. The player who removes the last match loses. In order to ensure the computer always wins, the computer must always play first. In the example, the player always starts but unless the player knows the secret, the computer will always win. #include<iostream> #include<conio.h> unsigned ask(unsigned max=3) { int choice = 0; do { choice = getch() - '0'; if (choice<0 choice>max) choice=0; else { std::cout<<choice<<'\n'<<std::endl; break; } } while (!choice); return ((unsigned)choice); } bool yn() { int choice = 0; bool result = false; while(1) { choice = getch(); if (choice=='y' choice=='Y') { result = true; break; } if (choice=='n' choice=='N') { result = false; break; } } std::cout<<(char)choice<<'\n'<<std::endl; return (result); } int main() { unsigned start = 15; unsigned matches = start; bool player = true; // set to false so computer always starts unsigned take = 0; while (1) { std::cout<<"There "<<(matches==1?"is":"are")<<" "<<matches<<" match"<<(matches==1?"":"es")<<" remaining.\n"<<std::endl; if( matches <= 1 ) { if ((player && matches == 1) (!player && !matches)) std::cout<<"You lose!\n"<<std::endl; else std::cout<<"You win!\n"<<std::endl; std::cout<<"Would you like to play again? "; if (!yn()) break; else { matches = start; continue; } } if( player ) // player's turn { std::cout<<"Would you like to take 1"; if( matches>2 ) { std::cout<<", 2 or 3 matches? "; take = ask( 3 ); } else { std::cout<<"or 2 matches? "; take = ask( 2 ); } } else // computer's turn { take = (matches-1)%4; if( !take ) take = rand()%3+1; std::cout<<"I will take "<<take<<" matches.\n"<<std::endl; } matches -= take; player = !player; // toggle player } }

Who is a Computing Professional?

Absolutely anyone who chooses to call themselves that and attempts to gain financially from it. There are "Computing Professionals" for example hired by many computer companies (such as Dell) who's job it is to answer a phone, then ask you a series of multiple choice (yes/no) questions as they are displayed on the screen and then try and solve your problems based on what the computer tells them. This is a fantastic "Computing professional" alternative to working as a burger flipper for minimum wage. The people doing it simply need to be able to listen, read and click yes or no. They don't even need to know how to use a computer themselves. If the database can't solve the problem, they pass the problem to the next level of tech support which are people who may have actually tried to understand computers. It's pure genius by companies like Dell to do this since it cuts down the cost of skilled labor possibly by a factor of 100. As a bonus, a computer expert is someone who knows enough about computers to fix some problems, but not enough about computers to understand how complex they really are. I have written operating systems from scratch, I have soldered together small motherboards under a microscope that I designed and designed the logic in the chips myself. I am truly NOT a computer expert. I am however quite skilled with them. NEVER trust a computer expert! They'll probably charge you a fortune and make things worse then when you started.

What type of computer should be used in an organization of 2000 employees?

I would recommend a Windows computer, not a Mac. This is because most people prefer Windows. Secondly, if you use Windows XP, use Professional. If Windows 7, use Professional. Windows 7 would be the best choice. Also, use Intel processors since they are surprisingly fast.

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