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In C++, you can overload both methods, and existing operators - although you can't invent new operators.

In Java, many things that might cause confusion were eliminated; one of these is operator overloading. However, you can still overload methods, and this is sometimes very useful.

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Overloaded methods let you reuse the same method name in a class, but with different arguments (and optionally, a different return type). Overloading a method often means you're being a little nicer to those who call your methods, because your code takes on the burden of coping with different argument types rather than forcing the caller to do conversions prior to invoking your method. The rules are simple:

• Overloaded methods MUST change the argument list.

• Overloaded methods CAN change the return type.

• Overloaded methods CAN change the access modifier.

• Overloaded methods CAN declare new or broader checked exceptions.

• A method can be overloaded in the same class or in a subclass. In other words, if class A defines a doStuff(int i) method, the subclass B could define a doStuff(String s) method without overriding the superclass version that takes an int. So two methods with the same name but in different classes can still be considered overloaded, if the subclass inherits one version of the method and then declares another overloaded version in its class definition.

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Q: Method overloading in java
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Operator overloading is possible in java or not?

Java does not support opperator overloading, so the answer to your question is: none.

Why operator overloading is not there in java?

== == === === === === === === Some Body told me that operator overloading is not there because it violates the transparency of java.since there is no hiding of information in java it does support op overloading === === === === === === Pranab Kumar Rana Software Engineer..... === === === ===

What is function overloading in java?

Any function or method in Java that is coded by the programmer is called a user defined method in Java. The JAVA API (Application Programming Interface) has a set of predefined classes & methods that are for our usage. Whatever methods we create apart from these are termed as user defined methods. In java we not use the term functions. We call them "Methods"

What is the use of overloading in java?

method overloading is the primary way polymorphism is implemented in JavaOverloading methodsoverloaded methods: appear in the same class or a subclasshave the same name but,have different parameter lists, and,can have different return types

What is the difference between overloading and overriding methods in object?

Here are some of the most common differences between both of them. If you are working in Java for more than 1 year, you might be familiar with all of them but any way its good revision: 1) First and major difference between Overloading and Overriding is that former occur during compile time while later occur during runtime. 2) Second difference between Overloading and Overriding is that, you can overload method in same class but you can only override method in sub class. 3) Third difference is that you can overload static method in Java but you can not override static method in Java. In fact when you declare same method in Sub Class it's known as method hiding because it hide super class method instead of overriding it. 4) Overloaded methods are bonded using static binding and Type of reference variable is used, while Overridden method are bonded using dynamic bonding based upon actual Object. 5) Rules of Overloading and Overriding is different in Java. In order to overload a method you need to change its method signature but that is not required for overriding any method in Java.

Related questions

Operator overloading is possible in java or not?

Java does not support opperator overloading, so the answer to your question is: none.

What is method overriding and overloading in java?

Overloading is the means by which we can provide two or more different definitions of the same method in the same namespace. Overriding is the means by which a derived class may redefine the meaning of a base class method.

Is it possible to define two methods that have the same name but different parameters?

Yes. It is called Method Overloading in Java

Why operator overloading is not there in java?

== == === === === === === === Some Body told me that operator overloading is not there because it violates the transparency of java.since there is no hiding of information in java it does support op overloading === === === === === === Pranab Kumar Rana Software Engineer..... === === === ===

What is the difference between polymorphism and method overloading in java?

The dictionary definition of polymorphism refers to a principle in biology in which an organism or species can have many different forms or stages. This principle can also be applied to object-oriented programming and languages like the Java language. Subclasses of a class can define their own unique behaviors and yet share some of the same functionality of the parent class.Overriding and Overloading are two techiques to achive polymorphism in Java.Method overloading: When a method in a class having the same method name with different arguments is said to be method overloading. Method overriding : When a method in a class having the same method name with same arguments is said to be method overriding.

What is function overloading in java?

Any function or method in Java that is coded by the programmer is called a user defined method in Java. The JAVA API (Application Programming Interface) has a set of predefined classes & methods that are for our usage. Whatever methods we create apart from these are termed as user defined methods. In java we not use the term functions. We call them "Methods"

What is the use of overloading in java?

method overloading is the primary way polymorphism is implemented in JavaOverloading methodsoverloaded methods: appear in the same class or a subclasshave the same name but,have different parameter lists, and,can have different return types

What is the difference between overloading and overriding methods in object?

Here are some of the most common differences between both of them. If you are working in Java for more than 1 year, you might be familiar with all of them but any way its good revision: 1) First and major difference between Overloading and Overriding is that former occur during compile time while later occur during runtime. 2) Second difference between Overloading and Overriding is that, you can overload method in same class but you can only override method in sub class. 3) Third difference is that you can overload static method in Java but you can not override static method in Java. In fact when you declare same method in Sub Class it's known as method hiding because it hide super class method instead of overriding it. 4) Overloaded methods are bonded using static binding and Type of reference variable is used, while Overridden method are bonded using dynamic bonding based upon actual Object. 5) Rules of Overloading and Overriding is different in Java. In order to overload a method you need to change its method signature but that is not required for overriding any method in Java.

Why java not support operator overloading?

Maybe because Sun said so. We have to bear with so many other idiosyncrasies too. But I guess that comes with every language. There were two major reasons why operator overloading wasn't allowed in Java: "cleanliness" and compiler complexity. The main reason was the first, a personal preference choice made by Java's creator, James Gosling. Operator overloading, while useful, can be exceedingly confusing, much more so than method overloading. Given the human tendency to assign specific meanings to single symbols, it is hard to get programmers to wrap their heads around multiple meanings for operators. What this means is that there is a marked increase in programming errors when a language supports operator overloading. Since practically the same benefit can be obtained via methods, the Java designers decided that the increased programmer mistake rate was not worth supporting operator overloading. From a Java compiler (e.g. javac) design standpoint, supporting operator overloading is considerably more difficult than method overloading, requiring a more complex compiler.

How you compare and contrast overloading and overriding methods in java?

Method overloading is when you have multiple methods in a class that have the same name but a different signature. Method overriding is similar to method overloading, with a small difference. In overriding, a method in a parent class is overridden in the child class. The method in the child class will have the same signature as that of the parent class. Since the method in the child class has the same signature & name as the method of its parent class, it is termed as overriding. In situations where you may have to explicitly call the parent class method you can use the "super" keyword and for explicitly calling the current objects method you can use the "this" keyword.

Is constructor overloading same as method overloading.yes or no. explain?

yes,because in constructor overloading constructor have same and different parameter list. In method overloading method have same name and different parameter list.

Why java not support oprator overloading?

Pressumably, the designers of Java thought this would lead to confusing code.