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Do you really mean 'enhance', or do you simply mean 'allow'? If the latter, then presumably the answer you are looking for is 'conductor'! If you mean the former, then the answer is a 'good conductor'.

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Q: Material that enhances the flow of electricity?
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Which part of this wire will conduct electricity and which part will insulate electricity plastic or cooper?

Conductors are any material that conducts the flow of electricity, which would include Copper. Insulators are any material that restricts the flow of electricity which would include plastic.

What is the characteristic of a material that hinders electron flow?

It is called resistance Good conductors have a bad resistance While bad conductors or insulators have good resistance against the flow of electricity

Which type of material that allows electricity to flow but not as freely?

Note that "electricity" doesn't flow, only current does, which is one aspect of electricity, does. Current is the flow of electrons. Good conductors are metals, such as copper or aluminum. Materials that allow the flow of electrons, but not as freely as good conductors are known as semiconductors. These are primarily silicon or germanium, that is "doped" with specific types of impurities to allow their current to be better controlled by the application of a voltage. Heat will also increase the flow of electrons in a semiconductor.

Does electricity flow back to power plant?

Electricity does flow back to the power plant. This electricity is what forms the circuit needed to actually deliver the electricity to you when you need it.

What gives electrons there electricity?

Electrons don't have electricity they only posses energy, Electricity is defined as the flow of electrons! In conductors the flow of valence electrons are called Electricity! therefore inducing a current in it! generally the direction of flow the current is the opposite of the direction of flow of electrons(D.C)!

Related questions

What is the scientific name for something that stops the flow of electricity?

An insulator is a material that stops or reduces the flow of electricity.

The ------ Is a way of saying how difficult it is for electricity to flow?

Resistance is a way of measuring how difficult it is for electricity to flow through a material.

What property of a material determines whether it will allow electricity to flow though it?

The electrical conductivity of a material determines whether it will allow electricity to flow through it. Materials with high electrical conductivity, such as metals, allow electricity to flow easily, while insulators, such as rubber or plastic, do not allow electricity to flow.

What does conducor and insulator mean?

A conductor is a material that easily allows the flow of electricity, such as metals. An insulator is a material that does not allow electricity to flow easily, like rubber or plastic. Conductors are used to transmit electricity, while insulators are used to prevent the flow of electricity and for insulation.

What is a material through which electricity can flow easily?

A material that allows electricity to flow easily is called a conductor. Metals such as copper, aluminum, and gold are good conductors of electricity due to the presence of loosely bound electrons that can move freely through the material, facilitating the flow of electrical current.

What Electricity is defined as the flow of what?

Electricity is defined as the flow of electric charge. In most cases, this flow is facilitated by the movement of electrons through a conductive material.

Which part of this wire will conduct electricity and which part will insulate electricity plastic or cooper?

Conductors are any material that conducts the flow of electricity, which would include Copper. Insulators are any material that restricts the flow of electricity which would include plastic.

What do you call the material that resist the flow of electric current?

The material that resists the flow of electric current is called an insulator. Insulators have high resistance to the flow of electricity and are used to prevent electricity from flowing where it is not desired.

What do you call a material that allows electricity to flow through it easily?

A material that allows electricity to flow through it easily is called a conductor. Conductors have low electrical resistance and permit the flow of electric current due to the presence of free electrons. Examples of conductors include metals like copper and aluminum.

What are the factors to consider in the flow of electricity?

The factors to consider in the flow of electricity include the resistance of the material the electricity is passing through, the voltage of the power source, and the current or rate of flow of electrons. Additionally, the temperature of the material, the length and cross-sectional area of the conductor, and the presence of any insulators or conductors can also affect the flow of electricity.

What is a material that doesnt allow electricity to flow?

An insulator is a material that does not allow electricity to flow easily. Some common examples of insulators include rubber, plastic, glass, and ceramic materials. These materials have high resistance to the flow of electricity, preventing current from passing through them.

Is laquer a conductor?

No, lacquer is not a conductor of electricity. It is an insulating material that does not allow electricity to flow through it.