

Best Answer

1. There are no commands in C.
2. Graphics can be used by system-dependent libraries so you have to specify the platform you are using (MS DOS, MS Windows, X Window, etc).

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Q: List of graphics commands in C?
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List of graphics commands in c plus plus?

That's easy. There aren't any. C++ is designed to be as generic as possible, thus it provides generic text-based output only. Graphics output is platform-specific and is therefore not provided by the C++ standard. You can, of course, use graphics in C++, but you need a library and API that is specific to your platform and hardware. Most IDEs will provide an appropriate library, but as soon as you use graphics in your programs, you will generally lose the benefit of compiling your code on other platforms, unless you write your code specifically to cater for other non-generic libraries that are suitable for compilation upon other platforms.

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a list of additional commands is a sub-menu

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List of command used in c language?

It's easy: there are no commands in C, but a few statements (such as: expression, if, else, switch, while, do-while, for, break, continue, return and goto), and countless library functions (like printf, malloc and fopen).

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there is no list persay but help in the consel (press ~ key) should give you commands but for a list of commands and what they do just google css consel commands

Is any intructions that tells a computer what to do?

They are commands. If you put a list of commands together to carry out a more detailed task, the list of commands are referred to as a program.

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There's no commands in C++.

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DNS commands, or Domain Name System commands, can be confusing. However, the website 'alliedtelesis' provides a list of DNS commands that are easy to download in a handy PDF format.

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Just search on the internet for full list of keyboard commands