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Some of the basic computer language you can learn include Loops, Input from the keyboard, system commands, and subroutines. You can find more with an internet search.

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Q: List of BASIC computer language commands?
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Billions and billions :)are you asking for the commands list or commands which are important and basic one......around 259= basic commands are their for autocad.and for the list please go with this link:

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It depends on the type of operating system your computer has.For a Windows Vista computer (also works for Windows 7), you go to Start, then Control Panel, then Clock, Language, and Region, then Regional and Language Options.Click the Keyboards and Languages tab.Under Display Language, choose a language from the list, and then click OK.Note: If you don't see a list under Display Language, you may have to install additional language files first.

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there is no list persay but help in the consel (press ~ key) should give you commands but for a list of commands and what they do just google css consel commands