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import java.util.*;

class Partition


private int partstart;

private int partend;

private int partsize;

private int prosssize;

private int pid;

//private int intfrag;

private boolean empty;

private Partition next;

Partition Head=null;

public void createDynamicPartitions(int totmem)


Partition p=new Partition();










private Partition selectFirstHole(int prsize)


Partition temp=Head,first=null;

while(temp != null)


if (temp.empty && temp.partsize >= prsize)





return first;


public void loadProcess(int pid,int prsize)


Partition hole=selectFirstHole(prsize);

if(hole null)

System.out.println("There is no Process with ID :"+dpid);




private void memStatus()


Partition temp=Head;

System.out.println("Current Memory Status");

// int totfrag=0;

while(temp != null)



System.out.println(temp.partstart+"-"+temp.partend+" : is hole of size "+temp.partsize);


System.out.println(temp.partstart+"-"+temp.partend+" :Memory with Process ID "" of size "+temp.partsize);



//System.out.println("\n Total Internal Fragmentation : "+totfrag);



public class FirstFit


public static void main(String args[])


Scanner sc=new Scanner(;

System.out.println("Enter Total Memory size :");

int totmem=sc.nextInt();

//System.out.println("Enter number of partitions :");

//int numofpartions=sc.nextInt();

//creating partitions

Partition dp=new Partition();





System.out.println("1.Load Process");

System.out.println("2.Remove Process");


System.out.println("Enter ur Choice : ");

int ch=sc.nextInt();



case 1:

System.out.println("Enetr Process ID : ");

int pid=sc.nextInt();

System.out.println("Enetr Process size : ");

int prsize=sc.nextInt();



case 2:

System.out.println("Enetr Process ID : ");

int dpid=sc.nextInt();



case 3:




System.out.println("*** Wrong Choice ***\n Choice must be in b/w 1- 3");





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