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Q: Is there any technology that harms you or hinders you in doing your job properly in the circulatory system?
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What helps keep the circulatory function properly?

for the circulatory system to function properly the heart always needs to be beating properly

Can the excretory system work without a healthy circulatory system?

It will not work because if the heart, which is part of the circulatory system, has an infection the kidneys cannot work properly.

What if the circulatory system do not function properly?

you would probs have to c a doc:) lolol

Why is an efficient circulatory system is important for sports people?

The circulatory system delivers nutrients and oxygen to the muscles. Muscles can't function without being properly fed.

What is the circulatory systems function?

The circulatory system includes the heart, blood, and blood vessels. It is responsible for keeping the body alive and functioning properly.

How does is the of the digestive and circulatory systems related to the respiratory system?

The circulatory system takes oxygen from the lungs and carries it to organs such as organs in the digestive system. The organs then use the oxygen to help them function properly and give them energy.

What is the circulatory system in the monkeys body?

closed circulatory system (double circulatory system)

What is the conclusion if the circulatory system fails to work properly?

when circulatory system fails to work, colour change and temperature change happens, its an immediate effect. u can check it by tieing a rubberband in your finger tip.

How are the circulatory system and the circulatory system related?

They're both the circulatory system.

Do amphibians have an open circulatory system or a closed circulatory system?

Amphibians have closed circulatory system Closed

Open circulatory system to lymphatics to closed circulatory system is to blood circulatory system?

The transition from an open circulatory system to a lymphatic system involves the movement of fluid and immune cells through vessels and lymph nodes. This ultimately connects to the closed circulatory system, responsible for transporting oxygen, nutrients, and waste products through the body. The closed circulatory system, also known as the blood circulatory system, uses the heart to pump blood through arteries, capillaries, and veins to maintain circulation.

What are the body parts of the arteries?

The circulatory system