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In a very simple, laboratory-type, a.c. generator -yes. In practical generators, the output (armature) windings are part of the stator, so do not rotate and, so, don't require slip rings.

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Q: Is slip ring a part attached to each end of the wire loop in an ac generator?
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What is the difference between a for loop and a while loop in java?

ComparisonThe conditions for both the 'while' and 'for' loop are exactly the same, but in each flow structure the conditions are placed in different locations. A 'for' loop places the full condition within the 'for' loop whereas the 'while' loop places the counter variable outside of the loop.The 'for' loop is used when the length of the loop is known whereas the 'while' loop is usually used when the length of the loop is unknown.'for' loop exampleWithin the parentheses the complete condition is contained. The condition has 3 parts delimited by a colon ';'. The first part sets the counter 'int i' to 0, the second part tells the loop to stop when the counter is 5. The third part tells java to increment the counter by 1 value each time the loop iterates.for ( int i = 0; i < 5; i++)'while' loop exampleWith the 'while' loop the counter is initialized outside of the 'while' loop. Inside the parentheses of the loop the condition is set to stop looping when the counter reaches a value of 5. Inside of the 'while' loop block the counter is set to increment by 1 value each time the loop i = 0;while ( i < 5 ) {i++}

Can there be multiplle increment exression in increment part of the for loop statement?

Yes, you can have multiple expressions in the increment poart of the for loop statement. Just use the comma, and each expression will be evaluated from left to right.

What are the three parts that make up a loop structure?

ditioFor loops are a little more complex then the While loop. A for loop as 3 optional parameters. They are the initializer list, the conditional check, and the post incrementer list. The initializer list is the section that you declare variables and/or initialize them to a specific value. The conditional check is the conditional check for the loop to continue or finish. The post incrementer list is a section that is used to apply post loop code. Once each iteration of the loop is complete, these lines of code are called to update variables or conditions. Then the loop runs againns. Then the loop runs again

How does for loop work in c plus plus?

For loops in C++ consist of three parts, all of which are optional. Each part is separated by a semi-colon, which is not optional, and each part may include multiple statements, separated by commas. The first portion is the initial expression, which can be used to both declare and initialise variables used within the loop. If variables are declared, they are local to the loop and fall from scope when the loop ends. The second portion is the conditional expression that is executed at the end of each iteration of the loop. If the expression evaluates false, the loop terminates. This is typically used to evaluate the variables initialised by the initial expression. The final portion is the end loop expression, which is executed at the end of each iteration prior to the conditional expression being evaluated. This is typically used to increment or decrement variables initialised in the initial expression. Within the body of a loop, jump statements can be used to exit the loop regardless of the conditional expression, or start a new iteration before executing any remaining commands within the loop. Jump statements include break, continue, goto and return, and are typically used in conjunction with a conditional expression. An infinite for loop has the following from: for(;;) { // The body of the loop must evaluate a conditional expression to allow // the loop to terminate via a jump statement. } A for loop that repeats 10 times can be expressed as: for(int x=0; x&lt;10; ++x) { // Variable x will fall from scope when the loop ends. } The loop can also be expressed as an infinite loop: int x=0; for(;;) { if( ++x == 10 ) break; } // x is still in scope at this point, and has the value 10. Most for loops can also be written using while() loops, however variables used by the conditional expression must be declared outwith the loop, and will remain in scope when the loop terminates. int x=0; while(x++&lt;10) { // First time around, x will be 1. } // x is still in scope at this point, and will have the value 11.

What is a while statement in turbo c plus plus?

A while statement is one type of looping statement. by which we can start a loop in our programs. while loop is precondition checking statement, because it first check its condition then loop will go to its body part. EX. while(i&gt;0) { //body part } here when i will &gt;0 then it will check it body part and execute it and display result.

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The steam generated in a nuclear reactor is used to turn a turbine, which in turn drives a generator to produce electricity. After passing through the turbine, the steam is condensed back into water in the condenser before being pumped back to the reactor as part of the cooling loop.

What is the difference between while loop and for loop in matlab?

A while loop executes code inside the while block continuously until the said condition is not true. A for loop contains three parts. The first part is carried out prior to the for loop, the middle part is executed by the for loop until it is no longer true, and the final part is performed at the end of each go round of the loop.

What is the difference between a for loop and a while loop in java?

ComparisonThe conditions for both the 'while' and 'for' loop are exactly the same, but in each flow structure the conditions are placed in different locations. A 'for' loop places the full condition within the 'for' loop whereas the 'while' loop places the counter variable outside of the loop.The 'for' loop is used when the length of the loop is known whereas the 'while' loop is usually used when the length of the loop is unknown.'for' loop exampleWithin the parentheses the complete condition is contained. The condition has 3 parts delimited by a colon ';'. The first part sets the counter 'int i' to 0, the second part tells the loop to stop when the counter is 5. The third part tells java to increment the counter by 1 value each time the loop iterates.for ( int i = 0; i < 5; i++)'while' loop exampleWith the 'while' loop the counter is initialized outside of the 'while' loop. Inside the parentheses of the loop the condition is set to stop looping when the counter reaches a value of 5. Inside of the 'while' loop block the counter is set to increment by 1 value each time the loop i = 0;while ( i < 5 ) {i++}

Can there be multiplle increment exression in increment part of the for loop statement?

Yes, you can have multiple expressions in the increment poart of the for loop statement. Just use the comma, and each expression will be evaluated from left to right.

Where is the loop of the Henle?

The Loop of Henle is situated in the Kidney. It is a part of the nephron.

How commutator converts AC to DC?

There is no conversion of AC to DC a commutator is the key to creating straight DC voltage. "The commutator rotates with the loop of wire just as the slip rings do with the rotor of an AC generator. Each half of the commutator ring is called a commutator segment and is insulated from the other half. Each end of the rotating loop of wire is connected to a commutator segment. Two carbon brushes connected to the outside circuit rest against the rotating commutator. One brush conducts the current out of the generator, and the other brush feeds it in. The commutator is designed so that, no matter how the current in the loop alternates, the commutator segment containing the outward-going current is always against the "out" brush at the proper time. The armature in a large DC generator has many coils of wire and commutator segments. Because of the commutator, engineers have found it necessary to have the armature serve as the rotor(the rotating part of an apparatus) and the field structure as the stator (a stationary portion enclosing rotating parts). Which is the inverse of an AC Generator."

Where is the Loop of Henle located?

The Loop of Henle is situated in the Kidney. It is a part of the nephron.

What is each grasshopper leg attached to?

Its thorax (the middle part, more or less what we might call its chest.)

Is the blood that your heart pumps to your stomach part of the pulmonary circulation loop and why?

No, the blood pumped by the heart to the stomach is not part of the pulmonary circulation loop. Pulmonary circulation refers to the blood flow between the heart and the lungs, while the blood going to the stomach is part of the systemic circulation loop, which delivers oxygenated blood to the body tissues.

Sister chromatids are attached to each other at an area called the?

The chromatids are attached to each other at the Centromere. Hope that helps have a nice day.

What is an autoregulatory loop?

An autoregulatory loop is the part of a protein which allows it to regulate its own genetic expression.