

Is nuclear a renewable resource

Updated: 9/14/2023
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βˆ™ 14y ago

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yes. It can.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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Q: Is nuclear a renewable resource
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Is nuclear power a renewable or non-renewable resource?


Is nuclear ore a renewable resource?

it is nonerenewable!!

Is nuclear power a renewable energy resource?

No, nuclear power is not considered a renewable energy resource. It relies on the fission of uranium or plutonium, which are finite resources. Although nuclear power produces electricity without emitting greenhouse gases, its fuel source is not renewable.

What is a non renewable energy resource that cant be burned?

Uranium is a non-renewable energy resource that can't be burned. It is used in nuclear power plants to generate electricity through a process called nuclear fission.

Is nuclear energy renewable or non renewable?

Nuclear energy is classified as a nonrenewable energy source. This is because the nuclear fuel used in power plants (such as uranium or plutonium) is a finite resource that can eventually run out.

Is nuclear a non-renewable resource?

Yes! It uses uranium which is a substance that cant be reused.

What is an example of something that is non-renewable?

Non-renewable resourcesA non-renewable resource is a resource that is being used up faster than it can be replaced by being grown, made or generated. Fossil fuels and nuclear power are non-renewable resources.

Is nuclear a renewable energy?

No, nuclear energy is not considered a renewable energy source because it relies on the fission of uranium atoms, which is a finite resource. While nuclear power does not produce greenhouse gas emissions, the radioactive waste generated poses disposal challenges and environmental risks.

Is wind and oil a renewable resource?

Wind is a renewable resource. Oil is not a renewable resource.

Is air a non renewable resource or renewable resource?


Is paint a renewable resource?

no it is not a renewable resource as it is not a resource!

Where does nuclear energy come from to make renewable energy work?

Nuclear energy is not considered a renewable energy source because it relies on the fission of uranium atoms, which is a finite resource. However, nuclear power plants can help support renewable energy sources by providing a baseload of constant power that can complement intermittent sources like wind and solar.