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Fossil fuels

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Rhett Strosin

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Q: Is not a sustainable form of energy production?
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Is a natural gas a sustainable form of energy production?

No, it is a finite resource.

Is Solar sustainable form of energy production?

I'm not entirely sure what you mean by sustainable, but solar energy will be available until the Earth dies. So, in that sense it is sustainable. On the other hand it is not economically feasible as a broad based source of energy, so in that sense it is not sustainable.

Is solar a sustainable form of energy production?

I'm not entirely sure what you mean by sustainable, but solar energy will be available until the Earth dies. So, in that sense it is sustainable. On the other hand it is not economically feasible as a broad based source of energy, so in that sense it is not sustainable.

What are mitochondria the site of?

Chemical energy production in the form of ATP

What are some options for sustainable energy production?

There are many options for sustainable energy production, though often, more development and research is needed to make them viable on a large scale. Some options include solar power, wind power, hydroelectric power, and nuclear power.

Is gold useful in energy production?

Currently, gold is not useful in any form of energy production.

What is an aquaponist?

An aquaponist is a person who practises aquaponics, a form of sustainable food production which combines aquaculture with hydroponics.

Is not a sustainable form of energy Apex?

Non-renewable energy sources, such as fossil fuels, are not sustainable because they are finite and contribute to environmental degradation. Renewable energy sources, like solar and wind power, are considered sustainable as they are naturally replenished and have minimal impact on the environment.

Which of the following is not a sustainable form or energy production?


How can we reduce the production of harmful gases that form acid rain?

To reduce the production of harmful gases that form acid rain, measures such as switching to cleaner energy sources like renewable energy, implementing strict emission controls on industries and vehicles, and promoting sustainable practices like energy efficiency and recycling can be implemented. Additionally, international cooperation and agreements to limit emissions can also help address the issue on a larger scale.

What is the job of the Mitchondrion?

Energy, in the form of Atp, production.

What is the full form of I SWEEEP?

International Sustainable World (Engineering, Energy & Environment) Project Olympiad