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Q: Is it true or false that in frequency modulations the frequency of the carrier signal is modified by the application of the data signal?
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What is the bandwidth of pulse position modulation?

probably (the carrier frequency +- the maximum frequency of the pulse train)/(the carrier frequency) but pulses have a lot of harmonics

Is The carrier frequency is usually lower than the modulating frequency?

when the frequency is low , energy will be obviously low. To increase the energy of the signal we need to increase the frequency. This is achieved by multiplying the message signal with the carrier signal (with high frequency).

If the frequency in AM does not change then how are these sidebands formed?

The process of changing the amplitude of the "carrier" so as to add information to it (modulation) doesn't change the frequency of the carrier. But it does create energy at two other newfrequencies.The new frequencies are equal to (carrier frequency) plus and minus (the modulating frequency). These are referred to as the upper and lower sidebands.The upper sideband is an exact copy of the modulating signal, but with every component of it shifted up by an amount equal to the carrier frequency. The lower sideband is a mirror image of the upper sideband, with every frequency component in it reflected about the carrier frequency.

What happens to the power in the carrier after frequency modulation?

In FM the carrier is still present and the power is still there, at a constant amplitude at the transmitter. It's only the frequency of the carrier that alters, in time with the audio applied to it. The louder the sound the further the frequency shifts.

What is the technical difference when it comes to the implementation of AM and FM?

In a analog transmitter the RF carrier have to be modulated with the analog signal either by AM or FM where in digital transmitter the carrier is simply switched on and off a off = a zero and on = a one

Related questions

Sound quality between AM and FM?

There are two types of modulations. They are amplitude modulation and frequency modulation. In AM, amplitude of the signal is modified. In FM, frequency is getting modulated. Frequency modulated with carrier waves are transmitted and received by receivers without any distortion.

What causes sideband frequency?

If you subtract from the carrier frequency the frequency of the tone that modulates it, then filter out the carrier frequency, then you have a lower sideband frequency. If you add to the carrier frequency, filter out the carrier, then you have an upper sideband frequency.

What are three frequency components of an am wave?

The three frequency components of an amplitude modulation (AM) wave are the carrier frequency, the upper sideband frequency (carrier frequency + modulating frequency), and the lower sideband frequency (carrier frequency - modulating frequency). These components are responsible for carrying the signal information in an AM wave.

What is the application of frequency shift keying?

amplitude shift keying is a form of modulation in digital signal that variation in the amplitude of carrier wave. application of ask: *used mainly for radio frequencies

Is it true that information can be carried on a carrier wave by changing or modulating either the amplitude or frequency?

in frequency modulation, frequency of carrier signal changes. so frequency variations of carrier convey all the information in frequency modulation.

Why Need for carrier frequency stability?

Explain the need for carrier frequency stability in radio transmitters?

How does amplitude modulation transmit ones to zeros?

Amplitude modulations can be used to transmit binary data. Remember AM modulation is done using a single carrier frequency, and increasing or decreasing the amplitude. A high amplitude would be considered a '1', and a low amplitude would be considered a '0' (typically).

What is the bandwidth of pulse position modulation?

probably (the carrier frequency +- the maximum frequency of the pulse train)/(the carrier frequency) but pulses have a lot of harmonics

How do you calculate frequency range of double side band modulated signal?

Upper sideband = Carrier frequency + modulating frequencyLower sideband = Carrier frequency - modulating frequency

What is side frequency?

The Carrier....

What are the parameters of high frequency carrier that may be varied by a lower frequency intelligence?

Following are the 3 parameter by which high Frequency carrier can be varied by low frequency intelligence signal 1) Amplitude 2) Phase 3) Frequency

How do you choose carrier frequency value?

typically the carrier frequency has to be at least double the signal frequency but in order to get better results you want to choose a frequency that is at least 5 times the highest frequency you are designing for.