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Q: Is it possible to construct buildings that are not affected by heat and cold outside?
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Underground houses are affected by weather VERY little.

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It was one of the first buildings to construct all of its water mains and gas and electrical lines on the outside of the main structure. The pipes are color-coded as well, which makes the building educational.

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Which is a common political advocacy strategy?

Picketing outside government buildings.

Is it possible to hatch eggs in 6 hours with modern technology?

Depends on what sort of egg, but basically the development time of an egg will not be affected by outside factors.

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the ones outside

Did the early christians meet in buildings?

When it rained outside, yes.

How the Other Half Lives where did residents of buildings in the slums get their water?

from a pump outside. -apex

How are cultures affected by outside influences (from Globalization Section 1)?

It depends what the outside influence is.

Why do you think the buildings change overtime?

Buildings change overtime due to many factors. They change due to chemical weathering outside. The weather changes the outside of the building. The owner changes the buildings as well to fit with the modern day looks and attract people.

What is a bibcock?

A bibcock is an appliance allowing the provision of hose connections outside of buildings.

How According to How the Other Half Lives where did residents of buildings in the slums get their water?

From a pump outside (APEX)