It is called as DOPING. Doping is the process in which you add an impurity to a pure semiconductor to increase its conductivity. While doping is done, crystal structure of semiconductor is not disturbed.
An n-type semiconductor is formed by doping a pure semiconductor (silicon or germanium, for example) with atoms of a Group V element, typically phosphorus or arsenic. The dopant may be introduced when the crystal is formed or later, by diffusion or ion implantation.
ON Semiconductor was created in 1999.
combination of two semiconductor
Vitesse Semiconductor was created in 1984.
iron is a conductor.
Iron is not typically used as a semiconductor because its electronic properties make it better suited as a conductor. Additionally, iron's crystalline structure does not easily allow for the manipulation of its electrical conductivity to the extent required for use as a semiconductor in electronic devices. Other materials such as silicon and gallium arsenide are more commonly used for semiconductors due to their superior electronic properties.
Silicon Germanium
It is called as DOPING. Doping is the process in which you add an impurity to a pure semiconductor to increase its conductivity. While doping is done, crystal structure of semiconductor is not disturbed.
An n-type semiconductor is formed by doping a pure semiconductor (silicon or germanium, for example) with atoms of a Group V element, typically phosphorus or arsenic. The dopant may be introduced when the crystal is formed or later, by diffusion or ion implantation.
A semiconductor slice is used to make integrated circuits or ICs. It is also known as a semiconductor wafer or a semiconductor substrate.
An iron is an example of conduction. When you iron clothes, heat from the iron is transferred directly through the metal plate to the clothes, which is a form of conduction.
Iron(II) sulfide is primarily used in the production of steel and as a pigment in ceramics and glass manufacturing. It is also used in the production of iron oxide pigments and as a semiconductor in electronic devices. Additionally, it has some applications in the treatment of mercury poisoning.
Piezoresistive sensor are the semiconductor sensors who respond to the change in the mechanical strain applied. For example, a p-type region diffused into an n-type base functions as a resistor whose value increases strongly when it is strained, this behaviour is called piezoresistivity. Such resistors are the basis of semiconductor strin gauges, semiconductor diaphragm pressure sensors and semiconductor accelerometers.
ON Semiconductor was created in 1999.
NaCl is not a semiconductor.