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SInce ice existed for billions of years prior to humans being around to put it into their scotch...It's a discovery. The ability to manufacture ice, to transport and store it...those are inventions.

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Q: Is ice a discoverey or a invention?
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Ice cream is a discovery or invention?

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What was the purpose for the invention of the ice machine?

Well to make ice

Is ice cream an ivention?

An ice cream is made by people. But it is not an invention

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The people who delivered ice were called icemen. They would deliver blocks of ice to homes and businesses for use in ice boxes or ice chests before the invention of refrigerators.

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yes he does because it rules.................... Alright stop calaborate and listen ice is back with his new invention!

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What inventions were made in the 1780s?

One invention is that they invented ice cream

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