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The main difference between the old and new code is the method of design-earlier one is based on Working stress method and the present one is based on Limit states Design! Hence comparisons are difficult to make. Since you are conversant with IS 456, it may not be difficult for you to follow. I do not have the new codes here-I saw the Draft- but think that the tables for BM calculation remain the same. You have to use LSM equations for the design instead of WSM. Note that crack control is imp. in such structures. Hence the code prescribes Clauses for the same.

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Q: Is code of water tank design?
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i think , because water tanks are more vulnerable structures and plus the tank is sometime overfilled and sometime empty, the pressure inside is so varying, its needs more safety precautions and as we all know working stress method assumes more safety factor than limit state design, which is an economical design, we prefer to use working stress method...

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Depends on the load rating of the floor as your water would be about 500 pounds and then the weight of the tank. think the numbers you are looking for are a min. uniform design load of 40 lbs/sq ft with a min. 200-pound concentrated load on a one-inch diameter disc. (HUD Code Sec. 3280.305) Before the mobile-hating guy starts his whining, that is also the same design criteria I design for in modular and stick frame home construction. I believe that you will be ok without adding any additional support below your floor. The water in your tank will weigh about 480 lbs, or about the the weight of a well-stocked side-by-side refrigerator. You can hedge the numbers by placing the tank on a wood base or platform that spreads the weight over an area wider than the four points where the tank legs typically sit.