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Yes, an array that is in sorted order is considered a min-heap because the smallest item in the array is the root. Also, the rest of the items in the array will gradually get bigger from the root until the end of the array.

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11y ago

Simple answer is Yes.

Expanded answer:

Array is a data structure where the location of the next element in memory can be computed using the index of that element.

Heap is a tree-based algorithm where the parent node is ordered with its child node, with the same ordering applied throughout the heap (parent having 2 children being the most common case, however this is not necessarily the case)

So an unsorted array as a data structure is not a heap. A sorted array however satisfies the heap requirements (either order as long as it's consistent), and so (as heap doesn't define how the relationship between parent and children node works out, or where the root is) array sorted in any way is a singular heap (one parent one child)

You can also use an array to represent/store a heap(not an uncommon practice actually), where either the first or last element is the root, next two elements are its children, next four are children of children and so forth. In this light a sorted array could also represent an n-level tree.

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Q: Is an array that is in sorted order a min-heap?
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Sort array in ascending descending order in python?

Using sorted(array,reverse=True)

What is the best sorting technique for already sorted array?

If it is already sorted, the best is to leave the array as it is.If it is already sorted, the best is to leave the array as it is.If it is already sorted, the best is to leave the array as it is.If it is already sorted, the best is to leave the array as it is.

What is the running time of heapsort on an array A of length n that is already sorted in increasing order?

The running time of HEAPSORT on an array A of length n that is already sorted in increasing order is (n lg n) because even though it is already sorted, it will be transformed back into a heap andsorted.The running time of HEAPSORT on an array A of length n that is sorted in decreasing order willbe (n lg n). This occurs because even though the heap will be built in linear time, every time themax element is removed and the HEAPIFY is called it will cover the full height of the tree

What is an ordered list of data structure using c plus plus?

An ordered list of data in any programming language is simply a sorted array or list. In C++ this can either mean a sorted array, vector, list or forward list.

What are the different types of array explain with examples?

There are two main types of array:1) Single dimensional array: These are arrays for which only one index is required to access the element stored in an array. They are stored in a contiguous memory location.Eg:int arr[10];//declarationarr[7] = 7;//initialization2) Multidimensional array: These are arrays for which more than one index is required to access the element stored in a specific location in the array. These are stored in a contiguous memory location row-by-row.Eg:int arr[5][5];//two dimensional arrayint arr[5][5][5];//three dimensional array

Related questions

Is an array that is in sorted order a min heap?

Yes, an array that is in sorted order is considered a min-heap because the smallest item in the array is the root. Also, the rest of the items in the array will gradually get bigger from the root until the end of the array.

Sort array in ascending descending order in python?

Using sorted(array,reverse=True)

What is a example of a array?

An ordered array is simply an array where all elements are in sorted order: int a[] = {3, 6, 9, 10, 15, 21}; // ordered array An array can either be initialised with ordered elements or the elements may be sorted after initialisation. When inserting new elements into an ordered array, the order must be maintained.

What is the best sorting technique for already sorted array?

If it is already sorted, the best is to leave the array as it is.If it is already sorted, the best is to leave the array as it is.If it is already sorted, the best is to leave the array as it is.If it is already sorted, the best is to leave the array as it is.

What is the running time of heapsort on an array A of length n that is already sorted in increasing order?

The running time of HEAPSORT on an array A of length n that is already sorted in increasing order is (n lg n) because even though it is already sorted, it will be transformed back into a heap andsorted.The running time of HEAPSORT on an array A of length n that is sorted in decreasing order willbe (n lg n). This occurs because even though the heap will be built in linear time, every time themax element is removed and the HEAPIFY is called it will cover the full height of the tree

What is an ordered list of data structure using c plus plus?

An ordered list of data in any programming language is simply a sorted array or list. In C++ this can either mean a sorted array, vector, list or forward list.

Program in c to delete an element in sorted array?

You cannot delete elements from an array. But you can move the elements: if (del_index < no_of_elements-1) { memmove (&array [del_index], &array [del_index+1], sizeof (array [0]) * (no_of_elements - del_index - 1)); } --no_of_elements;

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There are two main types of array:1) Single dimensional array: These are arrays for which only one index is required to access the element stored in an array. They are stored in a contiguous memory location.Eg:int arr[10];//declarationarr[7] = 7;//initialization2) Multidimensional array: These are arrays for which more than one index is required to access the element stored in a specific location in the array. These are stored in a contiguous memory location row-by-row.Eg:int arr[5][5];//two dimensional arrayint arr[5][5][5];//three dimensional array

How do you use qsort function to sort an array of structures?

It depends what language you are using and how the function is implemented. However, generally, you need to pass 4 arguments to the function: 1. A reference to the array. 2. The lower bound of the sub-array to be sorted (usually 0). 3. The upper bound of the sub-array to be sorted (usually n-1 for an array of n elements). 4. A binary predicate to perform comparisons between the elements (usually a less-than predicate).

Can Data can only be sorted in ascending order.?

No, it can be sorted either in ascending or descending order.

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It will be sorted in ascending order.

Can Data only be sorted in ascending order?

No, it can be sorted either in ascending or descending order.