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Air is not a conductor of electricity if it conducts electricity we cannot live. And if there is any ions present then only that can conducts electricity but air is a mixture of gases. So it is not a conductor. Lightning is proof that air is a conductor, however it is not a 'good' conductor it is about average. Air conductivity changes with moisture (humidity)and temperature level. The higher the moisture in the air, the higher its conductivity. Yes it is the water in the air that conducts generally, but the question was not "is oxygen / nitrogen / methane / etc" a good conductor. Our "Air" or "Atmosphere" is made up of a great number of components.

"Paschen's Law" is what covers this question, and is pretty complex being "V=(a(pd))/(ln(pc)+b) - see link below).

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Bad because the molecules in the air air placed too far apart. If air were a good conductor there would be some serious issues walking past power lines

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Q: Is air a good conductor or bad conductor and why?
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Is air a conduction?

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