An opamp is a circuit of many components. It may either be built of many discrete components or be a single integrated component.
Resistors, capacitors, diodes any component that is a recognized item byitself as a single component.
A practical opamp is designed to approach the characteristics of the ideal opamp as closely as possible. The open loop voltage gain of an ideal opamp is infinite, so while this is actually impossible to achieve practical opamps are built with as high an open loop voltage gain as possible.
741 opamp
An opamp buffer circuit is one where the input signal is connected to the plus input, and the output is connected to the minus input. Within the performance limitations of the opamp, the output will track the input. The advantage of the buffer circuit is that is presents very little load impedance to the input signal, while providing a low impedance from the output to drive whatever circuitry is connected there.
Possibly Linear, in which case it means analog. The LM324 is an opamp.
A discrete component is one where the package contains only one circuit element. The opposite is an "integrated circuit" (aka a "silicon chip" or "chip") where a package contains many circuit elements. It's not that "discrete" is a type of resistor, it's that a resistor is a type of discrete component.
discrete transistors
A discrete device/component is not installed directly on the motherboard. See Discrete Graphics Card.
Resistors, capacitors, diodes any component that is a recognized item byitself as a single component.
Pixel is short for "picture element", the smallest discrete component on a screen.
A comparator is simply an opamp with a certain configuation of external circuitry ( a few components) that make it function as a comparator.
Discrete components - each component: vacuum tube, transistor, resistor, capacitor, etc. is individually packaged, then connected together to make a circuit.Integrated circuit - multiple components are packaged together making a complete circuit as one integrated device. Modern ICs frequently contain hundreds of billions of components in one device.Discrete component circuitry is bulkier than ICs because more packaging is involved.
Infinite.Since a cone has a curved component to it, like a sphere, it doesn't have a discrete number of faces. It has one discrete face (its base), but that is all you can definitely say about it.
no, the 741 opamp is a monolithic IC.
It is an opamp chip consisting of 8 pins
A practical opamp is designed to approach the characteristics of the ideal opamp as closely as possible. The open loop voltage gain of an ideal opamp is infinite, so while this is actually impossible to achieve practical opamps are built with as high an open loop voltage gain as possible.
An opamp has a ground terminal on one of the pins.