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A) If low resistance configuration is chosen, then, ground fault current is greater than 25% of 3-phase value.

B) If high resistance configuration is chosen, then, ground fault current is between 1 to 5% of 3-phase value.

C) Ground fault protection scheme is important because affects resistor thermal rating, hence size.

D) For B) above, ground fault current must not be less than system charging current produced by phase to ground capacitance in 11 kV system.

E) For D) above, total capacitance calculation must include line to ground capacitance of cables, motors, Transformers, and (often forgotten) surge protection capacitors, as well as lightning arrestors. shirish prajapati

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11y ago

It was a treaty between two generals from the U.S. and Spain, and they agreed upon how they would do until the presidents made their decisions where the border of Texas was. After both presidents decided that the Sabine River was the boundary for Texas, they were at peace.

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13y ago

The Neutral is grounded so that any of the phase conductors that contact a ground will short the circuit and trip your over current protection. If the neutral wasn't grounded, it would be possible for a grounded surface to become energized without blowing the circuit. Also, grounding the neutral in a 3 phase system helps stabilize phase voltages. A non-grounded neutral is sometimes refered to as a "floating neutral" and has a few limited applications.

As a side note, the neutral should NEVER be connected to a ground except at the point at the service where the neutral is initially grounded. This can set up the ground as a path for current to travel back to the service. Any break in the ground path would then expose a voltage potential.

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15y ago

They are two things all together different.

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9y ago

It is the name of the three wires in a domestic single-phase power supply, otherwise known as live, neutral, earth.

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13y ago

The grounding of a neutral is the process of doing the action of grounding. When the installation is complete the statement can be made that the neutral is then grounded.

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What is a Grounded conductor?

The grounded conductor (Neutral) can be white or gray. The grounding conductor can be solid green, Green with a yellow tracer or bare copper.

Why neutral of generator is resistance grounded and neutral of motor is reactance grounded?

Neutral of generators is resistance grounded to provide protection during ground faults by quickly detecting and clearing faults. On the other hand, neutral of motors is reactance grounded mainly to limit the fault current during ground faults, thereby reducing stress on the motor windings and improving overall system stability.

How can I get out of grounding from your parents?

Depends on what your grounded for...

What are two places that neutral buss bar in the service panel can be grounded?

Answer for USA, Canada and countries running a 60 Hertz supply service.There is only one place that the neutral can be grounded and that is at the service distribution box that containing the first over current device. You have the neutral coming into the box and the ground wire going to either a grounding rod or the water line where it comes into the house.

What is the reason why the neutral is not used on high resistance grounding?

The question doesn't provide enough detail to give a definitive answer. The neutral PD is often used in protective functions on high resistance grounded generators (when grounded through a transformer). High resistance grounding limits the use of transformers - you must be using balanced loads, since very little current will flow (typically around 5-20amperes max) to the neutral. Because of this, phase to neutral values (such as voltage) are meaningless. Any current flowing in the neutral will cause an offset in all three phases from neutral. Since the neutral is high resistance grounded, it does not take a significant amount of current to cause significant offset.

What is the process of bringing a negatively charged conductor in contact with the earth resulting in the conductor discharge until it is completely neutral called?


What conductor should be grounded in a four wire three phase system?

The neutral conductor is typically grounded in a four-wire three-phase system to provide a path for fault currents to return to the source and to stabilize the system voltage. Grounding the neutral also helps to protect equipment and personnel from electrical hazards.

How do the earth active and neutral wires work in a house?

Neutral mean is zero potential and neutral wire it has been taken from the Distribution Transformer " Y " point (Xo). This point " Xo " is directly grounded through the dedicated grounding system.

What is non-effectively grounded distribution system?

A non-effectively grounded distribution system is one in which the neutral point of the system is not connected to ground or is inadequately grounded. This can lead to issues such as high voltages on the neutral wire, increased risk of electrical shocks, and difficulty in fault detection and protection. Proper grounding is essential for ensuring the safety and reliability of the electrical distribution system.

What is the difference between ground and floating neutral in your electric panel?

Neutral is vital to complete the cicuit. Ground is vital to carry the current to earth during a malfuntion of the appliance using power to drive it, should the current come in contact with the frame or outer covering of the appliance and endangering the users life.

What is the difference between a Grounded conductor and a Grounding conductor?

In residential 120 VAC, single-phase electrical wiring, there are three main types of electrical wires: 1. Ungrounded conductor (Hot, and sometimes called "Line" or "Phase") 2. Grounded conductor (Neutral), and 3. Grounding conductor (Safety Ground or Protective Earth) The groundED conductor is the power return, intended as a current return path from the load back to the source to complete the "circuit." Its insulation is White, gray or a non-green color with white stripes. The National Electric Code requires it be connected to earth ("groundED ") at the service entrance and usually only there. The groundING conductor is usually the safety ground which serves as an emergency current return path in the event of a circuit fault or overvoltage. Like the groundED conductor, it too is grounded at the service entrance, but is also connected to metal surfaces and parts along the circuit, groundING them. It conducts current only if the current "seeks" to return to the service entrance along a path other than the Neutral (like through your chest, should a Hot wire becomes loose and contact metal in the circuit that you may touch). Since the grounding conductor doesn't normally carry current, its cross-section is sometimes smaller than the groundED conductor's. The grounding conductor's insulation is green (no other conductors can have green insulation) though sometimes it is bare copper. Sometimes the steel metal conduit enclosing the Hot and Neutral acts as the grounding conductor.

What is the role of a neutral wire?

The real purpose of neutral is grounding. In order for electricity to flow you need a direct continuous link from the supply to a ground. Without the neutral electricity wouldn't be able to flow because it wouldn't have a ground (a place to go). The real name for neutral is the grounded conductor, and what is commonly referred to as ground is really the grounding conductor. The grounding conductor exists for the sole purpose of being a back up neutral in case something happens, this way you don't BECOME the ground if you touch it. But don't think that means you can go touching wires if you don't know what your doing cause you can still get hurt even with both grounded and grounding hooked up.