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It depends on the version, and the release date.

If someone owns an iPhone 3G, then buys a 4G, the 4G is likely to be better since the developers are beginning to receive more and more experience.

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Q: Is 4G more expensive than 3G?
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What is operator code of simple I'd?

Simple Mobile Dialer equipped as a 3G/4G/Wi-Fi dialer with HD voice capabilities. It brings Mobile VoIP simple, hassle-free and provide a convenient communication guarantee.

Latest technology in electronics and communication?

latest technology in communication slide should be 4G and 6th sense technology.

Comparative chart for 1G 2G 3G and 4G GSM technology?

DatesCool New Features1G70's to 80'sWireless phones (cellular) are introduced, primarily for voice only.2G90's to 2000Increased performance achieved by allowing multiple users on a single channel. More and more cellular phones are used for data as well as voice.2.5G2001-2004The Internet turns the focus towards data transmission. Enhanced multimedia and streaming video are now possible. Phones support limited web browsing.3G2004-2005Enhanced multimedia and streaming video capabilities are increased. Standards are created to allow universal access and portability across different device types (Telephones, PDA's, etc.)4G2006+Speeds reach up to 40 Mbps. Enhanced multimedia, streaming video, access and portability are increased still further. Devices are equipped for world-wide roaming.Technology1GAnalogCMRTAMPS2GDigital Circuit SwitchedD-AMPSGSMCDMA2.5GDigital Packet SwitchedGPRSEDGE3GDigital Packet SwitchedUMTSW-CDMACDMA20004GDigital Broadband802.11Data Rate1G9.6 Kbps to 14.4 Kbps2GD-AMPS9.6 Kbps to 14.4 KbpsGSM9.6 Kbps to 14.4 KbpsIS95A9.6 Kbps to 14.4 KbpsIS95B115 Kbps2.5G56 Kbps to 144 Kbps3GUMTS2+ Mbps, up to 384 KbpsWCDMA384 Kbps (wide area access), 2 Mbps (local area access)CDMA2000614 Kbps4G20-40 MbpsFrequencyCarrier1G800 MHz30 kHz2GD-AMPS800 MHz or 1.9 GHz30 kHzGSM800 MHz or 1.9 GHz200 kHzIS95A/B800 MHz or 1.9 GHz1.25 MHz2.5G800 MHz or 1.9 GHz200 kHz3GUMTS2 GHz5 MHzWCDMA2 GHz5 MHzCDMA20002 GHz1.25 MHz / 3.75 MHz4GIn DevelopmentIn DevelopmentPrimary Countries1GWorldwide2GD-AMPSUSAGSMEuropeIS95A/BUSA2.5GEurope, Asia, USA3GEurope, Japan, USA4GIn Development

What year was the iPod invented?

Well the first ipod to come out was in 2001. This ipod only held five GB holding less data then the newer versions. The first ipod had a black and white screen instead of high def color from a HDMI screen power drive like the itouch or ipad. The ipod pretty much only played music and audio from its moderate sound board and sound drive connected to its motherboard, since this ipod could only play audio you couldnt wacth video, play games, and anyrhing that uses color and picture. Apple sonn came back with the ipod nano, then the touch, then the iphone, and the latest ipad. As you can see apple evolved a lot in 10 years. Well each nehwer ipod has a different amount of GB first the 5 GB oringinal, then the 8 GB and 16 GB nano, later came the 8 GB, 16 GB, and 32 GB itouch and iphone which soon came out with the iphone 4s adding 4g rather then the 3g setting. After all of apples hi tech accomplishments they made the ipad which came in a 16 GB, 32 GB, and 64 GB. All of apples technology leads them to high stock and former CEO Steve Jobs millions from prices of ipods reaching from maybe 50 dollars to 800 dollars on average.

What are the Main differences between object oriented programming and generations 1-4 programming language?

Object oriented computer programming and design methodology has become popular as a way of modeling and solving many programming problems. Traditionally, the implementation of such systems has been performed using an object oriented programming language such as C++. Those skilled in the art know that object oriented programming languages share at least five unique and defining concepts or notions. These concepts, which are discussed fully in the relevant literature pertaining to object oriented programming, are known as: CLASSES, OBJECTS; INHERITANCE; POLYMORPHISM, and ENCAPSULATION. Objects communicate with one another via "message passing." A "message" is texts string such as "redraw you". When an object receives a message, a corresponding class method is executed. It is well-known that in object oriented programming, different objects of an object oriented programming language will respond to messages differently.Shift from top-down to OOP could be called going from fourth to fifth generation, in that what it enables programmers to do better or more conveniently than they could with the more primitive languages resembles what the higher generation languages enabled them to do over the lower generation ones. OOP, however, is a paradigm shift as significant as that from first to second or, arguably, from second to third -- but far more radical than the from third to fourth. Of course, it is impossible to quantify this, but in terms of ease of programming and what OOP enables, it might be fair to say the leap from fourth-generation languages to OOP, especially what OOP has now become, can be likened to the span between binary code and BASIC. OOP supercharges the program environment.At each generational jump from binary to assembly language, to third-generation, to fourth-generation, the leap made programming easier and enabled more complex tasks by adding layers around the central core of binary code and its next outer layer, assembly. All programming languages including the advanced OOP iterations that are out now, are parsed down to binary to be executed by the computer. It's all fundamentally the same.OOP packaged the laborious and error-prone systems of calling subroutines with variable parameters we used in the old days with a very slick interface, an envelope of error-checking and ease of use.Object Oriented Programming organizes programming logic around objects instead of processes (as is the case with non-OOP). Some widely used third generation, object-oriented programming languages include C++, Java, and Smalltalk. In OOP, data, and the processes that can be performed on the data, are combined into an object. In addition, objects with similar characteristics may be combined into something called a class. So when an OOP programmer creates a class and wants to categorize certain files they are able to create a sub-class. Sub-classes inherit all the characteristics and processes from the original class file that it is derived from. Inheritance is one of the most powerful features of OOP. Once a programmer creates the subclass, he can add to or change the characteristics and processes to meet the precise needs of the subclass. An example of an OOP is Microsoft Office Suite products (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access). First Generation Programming is a machine language. It only understands zeros and ones, so we say machine languages are binary. Second Generation Programming is also called assembly languages; it uses simple words in place of zeroes and ones. The programmer associates each assembly language statement with a specific machine language command. Third Generation Programming uses source codes that could then convert into machine language. A special computer program, called a compiler, would handle the conversion. A compiler is a computer program that translates a specific third generation language (3GL) into machine language. Forth Generation Programming languages are closer to natural language. People who have little or no programming skills can use them to write simple programs. One example of a 4GL is structured query language (SQL). Structured query language is a standard language for manipulating databases. Users can write simple SQL programs to create a database, enter data, retrieve data, and delete data. How are they similar? All programming languages still go back to the First Generation Programming language, Each generation has become more advance, with better tools and features. But each language resorts to machine language.

Related questions

What are 3G and 4G cell phone services?

3g and 4g are terms to define the internet speed on a smartphone. 4g internet speed is slightly faster than 3g and 4g service is a little more than 3g service.

What is the difference between 3g 3g 4g?

4G can get internet underground much faster than 3G can, and you can e-mail on an underground train.In a simple answer, both describe the speed of your Internet. Thus, 4g is faster than 3g.

Verizon alittle bit more expensive than AT and T?

it can be if you get more coverage but Verizon is mostly a 3g network and at&t is a 4g network so it can be some times if you get more coverage

What is 3G4G internet?

3G and 4G are versions or in more precise terms infrastructures of internet providing facility. 4G is obviously superior. 4G have broader band hence can handle more users than 3G network. 4G is with much more high frequency hence can provide high speeds of data transfer.Some time mobiles companies cheat and they provide you the slower 3G speeds and after some time introduce 4G from the infrastructure of 3G. This time they give you the actual 3G speed.

What is difference between 3g and 4g?

4G can get internet underground much faster than 3G can, and you can e-mail on an underground train.In a simple answer, both describe the speed of your Internet. Thus, 4g is faster than 3g.

What is the advantage of 4G SIM over 3G?

4g is about 20 gigs-ish plus what a 3g offers. Though 4g itself is actually not in existance. It's still in the making and it's looking as if it could take about 10 more years to completely have true 4g coverage. They refer to it as 4g but it really isn't. And the iPhone4 isn't actually 4g coverage, it's just referred to AS an iPhone 4, cause it's the fourth edition iPhone.

Is 3g service good?

3G and 4G are types of internet connection. 3G is older and slower than 4G. While 4G is faster, there are also many variants of it, it's not as much a standard as 3G is. 4G is also not as widespread yet as 3G is. If you need access to both, you'll need a phone with both 3G and 4G radios built in.

Can you use a 4g phone for 3g service?

No a 3g phone cannot be modified to run on 4g. The reason it cannot be modified is that the 3g runs on a different operating program than the 4g does.

Are the 4g phones any better than the 3g phone?

Yes 4G is better. The download speeds are much faster on the 4G compared to the 3G. You will also be able to see streams and videos clearer on the 4G compared to the 3G.

What is the difference between 3G and 4G mobile phones?

3G is the current generation of mobile telecommunication standards. It allows simultaneous use of speech and data services and offers data rates of up to 14 Mbps downlink and 5 Mbps uplink. 4G is the fourth and the next generation of mobile telecommunication standards. Its infrastructure will be only packet-based (all-IP). 4G will probably combine 3G, GSM, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and VoIP.

Why is 3g service getting slower and slower ?

3g service is slowing down because companies are spending more time creating more advanced technologies like 4g. By decreasing speed on 3g they will bring people around to sign up for 4g because it is faster. Since it is more expensive the companies will also make a larger profit.

How is 3G internet different from 4G?

4G and 3G are just the speed of the internet on the phones. 4G is slightly faster than 3G. I would recommend just waiting for your contract to end before buying another phone.