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Q: Inventor of the first original ATM machine?
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Who is the inventor of ATM machine?

Jhon Shepherd Barron

Who discovered ATM?

The idea of an automated teller machine (ATM) was conceived by John Shepherd-Barron, a British inventor. The first ATM was installed by Barclays Bank in London in 1967.

What to do first when ATM card was did not get inside machine?

You need to be sure first that you are entering the card in a right way. secondly if the problem still persists it means there is any kind of problem with the ATM machine. Try any other ATM point.

What is an Automated teller machine?

An ATM (automated teller machine) allows a user to perform basic banking transactions (generally checking account balances, withdrawals, and account transfers) where access to their bank is difficult or inconvenient at their given time and place. When you say ATM Machine I think you mean Automated Teller Machine. This is the device you find at financial institutions and retail locations that dispense cash when you insert your ATM card (the card your bank gives you to access your money from your account using an electronic device) and enter your PIN (personal identification number). ATM machines use ATM networks (as opposed to debit networks for your debit card) to access your account information and dispense cash from your account.

How you use ATM card first time?

First of all when any one can use ATM card put the card in ATM machine select the language and amount ................a few minutes get money and receipt..................

Who invented the ATM in 1969?

Don Wetzel is the person who invented the ATM in 1969. His invention was the first successful automatic teller machine.

What is full form of ATM machine?

The full name for ATM is "Automated Teller Machine".

What does an ATM machine normally dispense?

The awnser to, 'What does an ATM machine normally dispense?' is Money.

Can you deposit cash on ATM machine?

No, an ATM machine allows you to withdraw money. You have to use a Cash Deposit machine.

Where was first ATM invented and which year in which bank?

The first ATM (automated teller machine) was invented by John Sheppard-Barron and introduced by Barclay's bank in Enfield in 1967.

Can you check your blance ATM?

Yes you can check your bank balance at the ATM. All you need is a valid ATM card and a PIN number. If you possess that, first insert the card into the machine and enter the PIN number. When the ATM asks you which transaction to perform - choose Balance Inquiry and the machine will display the balance for you.

What will you do when your ATM card was captured by machine?

When any ATM card is captured by an ATM machine..immediatly alert the bank concerned and issue a complaint.