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The genetic information is stored in the NUCLEUS!

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Q: In which part of the cell is genetic information stored?
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Which named part in a animal cell contains genetic information?

DNA is found in the nucleus of the cell, which contains chromosomes, genes are found on chromosomes

What is the part of the cell that contains all the genetic information?

In a eukaryotic cell most of the genetic information is in the DNA of the chromosomes in the nucleus.There is some DNA in mitochondria and chloroplasts, and this DNA also contains genes. For example, one version of a human mitochondrial gene can cause blindness.In a prokaryotic cell, most of the genetic information is in the single chromosome, which is a naked circular DNA molecule in the cytoplasm. There are also some genes in small rings of DNA called plasmids. Some recombinant DNA techniques (genetic engineering) make use of plasmids for inserting genes into bacteria.

Why does genetic information have to be copied in the nucleus?

The nucleus is an important cell part, so if it separates ,it needs to copy information or else the nucleus will become useless.

Can you identify the part of the cell that contains genetic materials that determine traits?

what part of the cell contains genetic material or genes that determine traits

Which part of cell responsible for transmitting genetic disease?

This question doesn't exactly make sense, but I'll try to answer it. The nucleus (or "brain of the cell") contains DNA. DNA is where all genetic makeup is stored. DNA contains chromosomes. Each normal human being has 46 chromosomes. Genetic diseases lie within these chromosomes, pinpointing where they are is the tricky part. A lot genetic diseases have yet to be pinpointed and even when they are pinpointed, finding a cure can be almost impossible without the help of stem cell research.

Related questions

Which cell part contains the genes for heredity?

The cell part that contains the genes for heredity is the nucleus. Inside the nucleus, the genetic information is stored in the form of DNA molecules.

Which part of the male reproductive cell contains the hereditary information that will be passed on to the baby?

The hereditary information in the male reproductive cell is located in the nucleus. This information is stored in the form of DNA, which contains the genetic instructions that will be passed on to the baby.

What stores genetic information protein lipids carbohydrates or nucleic acids?

Nucleic acids, specifically DNA and RNA, store genetic information in living organisms. These molecules are responsible for carrying and transmitting genetic instructions needed for the growth, development, and functioning of living organisms.

Which named part in a animal cell contains genetic information?

DNA is found in the nucleus of the cell, which contains chromosomes, genes are found on chromosomes

Do amino acids store genetic information?

No, amino acids do not store genetic information. Genetic information is stored in the sequence of nucleotides within DNA or RNA molecules. Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins and are encoded by the genetic information stored in DNA.

What part of the cell is like a computer control center?

It is the nucleus that controls the inside the cell, and carries genetic information.

Are hereditary information stored in ribosomes with chromosomes that have many genes?

No, hereditary information is stored in chromosomes within the cell's nucleus. Ribosomes are responsible for protein synthesis, not storage of genetic information. Each chromosome contains many genes that provide instructions for making specific proteins.

What is a cell part with information the determined a living things traits?

The cell part with information that determines a living thing's traits is the chromosome. A chromosome is a thread-like structure within the nucleus containing the genetic information.

What part of the cell contains chromosomes?

The nucleus is the part of the cell that contains chromosomes. Chromosomes are made of DNA and contain the genetic information necessary for cell function and replication.

Reproduction would not occur if which part of a cell was removed?

The Cell Membrane

What part of a plant cell stores information?

The nucleus of a plant cell stores genetic information in the form of DNA. DNA contains instructions for the development, growth, and functioning of the plant cell.

What part of the cell contains DNA that carries genetic information?

The nucleus of a cell contains DNA that carries the genetic information. DNA is organized into structures called chromosomes within the nucleus.