either field effect (JFET, MOSFET) or junction (BJT) or point contact (usually considered obsolete)either small signal or high powereither electron majority carrier (N-channel FET, NPN BJT) or hole majority carrier (P-channel FET, PNP BJT)either linear (used in amplifier and oscillator circuits) or switching (used in digital logic circuits)etc.
The ANALOG FILTER used in analog circuits.The DIGITAL FILTER USED IN DIGITAL circuits.
1. Generally speaking, a digital clock is a digital device. The "heart" of any clock is whatever is used as its time base, and with a digital clock, some kind of digital timing circuit supplies that time base. From there, digital dividers and other circuits count seconds, and other circuits drive a display. 2. Yes by definition it is.
supposed to be MOSFET. but i also depends on your working freq.
A MOSFET (metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor) can be used INSTEAD of a BJT (bypolar junction transistor, so transistor is redundant in your question), if the circuit in question is modified to allow it and the MOSFET is chosen appropriately. BJT's will usually have a higher intrinsic gain, but have lower input resistance. Also a BJT in general will work better at higher frequencies than a MOSFET (unless you choose a high frequency MOSFET) due to the capacitive nature of MOSFETs.
active region
It depends. A depletion MOSFET can be used as an ehancemnet MOSFET when it is operated as an analog amplifier. However, a depletion MOSFET can't replace an enhancement MOSFET when it is operated as a digital switch. When a depletion MOSFET is used as a digital switch, since the junction between source terminal and substrate must be reverse biased, the voltage of the source terminal of an N typde transistor must be tied to Vdd, and it is completely opposite to an enhancement MOSFET. When a depletion MOSFET is used as an analog amplifer, the source terminal and the substrate are both at the same potential, just like an enhancement MOSFET.
either field effect (JFET, MOSFET) or junction (BJT) or point contact (usually considered obsolete)either small signal or high powereither electron majority carrier (N-channel FET, NPN BJT) or hole majority carrier (P-channel FET, PNP BJT)either linear (used in amplifier and oscillator circuits) or switching (used in digital logic circuits)etc.
either field effect (JFET, MOSFET) or junction (BJT) or point contact (usually considered obsolete)either small signal or high powereither electron majority carrier (N-channel FET, NPN BJT) or hole majority carrier (P-channel FET, PNP BJT)either linear (used in amplifier and oscillator circuits) or switching (used in digital logic circuits)etc.
The ANALOG FILTER used in analog circuits.The DIGITAL FILTER USED IN DIGITAL circuits.
Advantages:- 1- mosfet are small compare to bjt's so it fabricated easily and space saving scheme on the ic's 2- mosfet's input impedance are very high so they do not load the circuits. loading effect doesn't arise. 3- operating frequency is very high so may be used at higher frequencies. 4- used in digital circuits for it's reliability. 5- effect of noise is less than bjt. so high signal to noise ratio. 6-mosfets are unipolar devices so reverse saturation current doesn't exist. 7- it consume less D.C power rather than BJT. Disadvantages:- handling is not easy- Mosfet is very sensitive to electrostatic charge so it may be destroy when you touch the pins of a mosfet devices by hand. trans conductance is low than BJT.
In digital circuits modem is used to multiplex and demultiplex the digital data.multiplexing means the digital signals amplitude or frequency or phase is varied with a carrier signal.at the receiver end the carrier signal is separated out and original digital signal is received
Advantages:- 1- mosfet are small compare to bjt's so it fabricated easily and space saving scheme on the ic's 2- mosfet's input impedance are very high so they do not load the circuits. loading effect doesn't arise. 3- operating frequency is very high so may be used at higher frequencies. 4- used in digital circuits for it's reliability. 5- effect of noise is less than bjt. so high signal to noise ratio. 6-mosfets are unipolar devices so reverse saturation current doesn't exist. 7- it consume less D.C power rather than BJT. Disadvantages:- handling is not easy- Mosfet is very sensitive to electrostatic charge so it may be destroy when you touch the pins of a mosfet devices by hand. trans conductance is low than BJT.
Auto iris circuits are used in digital cameras.
which are used to describe the digital hardware of the system
1. Generally speaking, a digital clock is a digital device. The "heart" of any clock is whatever is used as its time base, and with a digital clock, some kind of digital timing circuit supplies that time base. From there, digital dividers and other circuits count seconds, and other circuits drive a display. 2. Yes by definition it is.
One of the biggest applications of digital logic is using circuits to perform arithmetical operations. While theoretically, any number system could be used, binary is the most simple to express in terms of digital logic circuits.