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All quantitative variables will be reduced including:

Internal energy


Gibbs energy




All intensive properties will remain unchanged including:

Specific internal energy

Specific enthalpy

Specific Gibbs energy

Specific volume (and its reciprocal density)



Heat capacity




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Q: In a thermodynamic system if you reduce the model by half what variables would also be reduced by half?
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Is it i c engine is example of closed thermodynamic system?

No, even though they both gives energy but they are differ from where they get the energy for us to use. I C energy or Internal Combustion engine is getting the energy from the chemical to turn into a mechanical energy by means of burning the fuel. While closed thermodynamic system is one of the 3 kinds of thermodynamic, can exchange energy as a heat from outside system or from its surroundings, but not matter. Earth is an example of closed thermodynamic energy its getting the source of energy from the sun but no exchanging of mass outside.

Why we go for bus bar riser system instead of cables?

It is done to carry more current at rated power & to reduce the power loss as compared to cable since a bus-bar has more area compared to cable so resistance is less & hence losses are reduced. It is done to carry more current at rated power & to reduce the power loss as compared to cable since a bus-bar has more area compared to cable so resistance is less & hence losses are reduced.

What are the differences between a global variable and macro?

A global variable is a place of data storage which multiple modules of application (sometimes all modules) can access to read and modify the variable's content. A macro is something altogether different. A macro is a set of instructions, typically used to save keystrokes when coding, and to maintain code readability. While macros can reference, declare or use variables (including global variables), macros and variables are quite different and cannot be compared.

What are the effects of feedback on time constant of control systems? in control system improves the speed of response2.using feedback in control system we can reduce the sensitivity of the system to parameter variation

What system allows us to display the relationship between two variables represented by two axes usually labeled x and y?

Cartesian coordinate system

Related questions

What is thermodynamic equilibrium in physics?

Thermodynamic equilibrium is a state in which a system is not experiencing any net change in its macroscopic properties over time. In this state, the system's temperature, pressure, and other relevant variables are uniform and do not exhibit any gradients. This concept is important in understanding the behavior of systems in thermodynamics.

How do you make a sentence for enthalpy?

Enthalpy is a thermodynamic property of a thermodynamic system.

What are the conditions for availability in a thermodynamic system?

You can search the relevant meaning of the availability condition for thermodynamic system in the wikipedia since there's so much to learn and laws of thermodynamic equilibrium that explains what and those condition works.

What is phaserule?

The phase rule, or Gibbs phase rule, is an equation used to predict the number of degrees of freedom in a thermodynamic system at equilibrium. It relates the number of phases, components, and independent variables in a system. The phase rule helps determine the conditions under which a system can be at equilibrium.

What are two factors same for the density of a pure substance to stay constant?

Density is an intrinsic property of each type of material, defined as the total mass divided by the total volume. Obviously, two samples of the material which have the same mass and same volume will have the same density, but that is not that answer to this question. This question is about the thermodynamic state of a material and the answer is temperature and pressure. The thermodynamic state of a system is a set of properties that are reproducible when the thermodynamic variables have been specified. Density is one such property. Specifying the temperature, pressure and specifying the quantity and type of material of a system determines density at equilibrium. The equilibrium condition is critically important in that assertion. It is a fundamental premise of thermodynamics that the state of a simple system at equilibrium can be completely characterized by specifying two independent property variables, such as temperature and pressure, and the quantities of the chemical constituents. Any system then with the same thermodynamic state has the same intrinsic properties such as density, heat capacity, thermal conductivity, viscosity, and other characteristics.

When cooking a popcorn what thermodynamic system should be considered?

please read the 3 kinds of thermodynamic system maybe it can help you to recognize and you can identify which one can be described.

A system of gathering data so that bias and error in measurement are reduced is called the?

A system of gathering data to reduce bias and errors in measurement is called a "controlled experiment." This involves carefully designing the study to control for potential confounding factors that could influence the results. By controlling these variables, researchers can draw more accurate and reliable conclusions from the data collected.

What are some examples of a thermodynamic system?

Heat Flow and Energy.

Is the heat supplied to a system always equal to the increase in its internal energywhat thermodynamic variable is defined by zeroth law and first law of thermodynamic?

No, the heat supplied to a system doesn't always equal the increase in its internal energy due to work done and changes in potential energy. The thermodynamic variable defined by the zeroth law is temperature, which establishes thermal equilibrium between systems. The first law defines internal energy, which is the sum of a system's kinetic and potential energy.

Measure of the amount of energy in a thermodynamic system unavailable for doing work?

Entropy is a measure of the amount of energy in a thermodynamic system that is unavailable for doing work. It represents the system's disorder or randomness and is related to the number of possible arrangements of the system's microscopic components.

What are various thermodynamic systems?

there are three systems : 1 open system 2 close system 3 isolated system

What should you know before starting a thermodynamic analysis?

that what is the system type you are working on