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The Mew glitch doesn't corrupt your game.

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Q: In Pokemon Red and Blue does the Mew Glitch corrupt the whole game or just the current save file so it goes away if you make a new file?
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When a current is stopped at any the whole circuit becomes open what current is that?

An open circuit has no current ( 0 amperes ).

Why was the alternating current motor so important?

Alternating current is very important because the whole worlds uses it and it is the best method to transmit electricity around.

In a parallel circuit does the current change if you add more branches?

Assuming that the voltage between two nodes are the same, current changes with branches. If you add branches, this means the current will be divided, depending on the resistance strength. Greater the resistance, the lower the current. If there is no resistance, it will end up in a short circuit, getting all the current. If there is great resistance, there will be very little current passing. Mathematically, V=I*R is the formula. If you know the voltage between two nodes, you can calculate the currency (I) in each branch and for the whole nodes by putting in the particular resistance value for the branch or the whole nodes.

Is An open in the main line of a parallel circuit causes all individual branch currents to be zero?

Yes, an open in main line of a parallel circuit will effect the entire circuit current and make the whole circuit current zero

Why if one branch in a parallel circuit is shorted all others will short?

A current checks less resistance path to flow. When one of parallel branches is shorted, it becomes have less resistance and whole the current will flow through it, means current before parallel branches and current after parallel branches becomes same, and all branches become short.

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Can you transfer Pokemon from Pokemon Ranch back to the DS?

Yes!You need to have 999 Pokemon in my Pokemon ranch and then hayley will ask you to trade a Pokemon for a mew she is putting on the ranch the day after.

Does anyone know if there is 0 failed mission action replay code for Pokemon mystery dungeon explorers of sky or a least a way to fix the send home glitch?

This isn't an answer but a continuation of the question above. Which referring the send home glitch thing. When my team never failed a mission i could just send the Pokemon i recruited back to the guild, and now that i lost once, i have to keep them in my team the whole time or i will loose them. Anyone know how to fix this?

What is the story of missingno?

well, heres how it goes. one day gamefreak created a game called Pokemon. they created all the Pokemon from bulbisour all the way down to zekrom. but they slipped up and jacked up the hexadominal code identifier. resulting in a glitch world, full of glitch Pokemon,u will fid a whole bunch of currupted hybrid of Pokemon. a missingno is a hybrid of some sort of Pokemon. if u go inside a bulding on any Pokemon game u see black void beyond the walls of the building.that's the world of glitch. in Pokemon d/p/pl/h/s/ u wont find a missingo u will mostly find a (shiny invisible bulbisour) or( -----). it is called a shiny invisible bulbisour because when u battle it its body shines like a shiny and its cry sounds like a glitchy bulbisour cry. and it is shaped like a 3 long rectangles. it is always a boy and it is always level 0 when u encounter it. if u attack it it will say "but there was no target" and the battle will end. if u catch it (wich it is kind of impossible without a master ball because its catch rate is 3 percent) if its pokedex data is shown the game will freeze. some species of glitch Pokemon's pokedex data is visible. some species of Pokemon that's pokedex data that are visible are: missingno,.4,3trainerpoke,and are well known 'm the cousin of missingno. glitch poke also have evolve forms and they somtimes look like varients of a missingno can somtimes look like a kabutops skeliton but its main form is a glitchy L. i hope this satisfys your wonderings. oh and ya i do study glitch Pokemon.

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On runescape when corrupt dragon turns to dust is it still a whole weapon or does it turn to dust?

it would dust be nothing

What does it mean when your zombies go grey whole invading on zombie farm?

Nothing. The game just has a small glitch. It doesn't do anything.

What website have a binweevils money maker that works for 2011?

As far as i know nothing i have checked the whole entire Internet no glitch works.

How any Pokémon are there?

There Are 493 Pokemon Through Out The Whole World Of Pokemon :]

What is the weakest Pokemon in Pokemon FireRed?

The weakest in the whole entire game is magikarp

Can you get all Pokemon in Pokemon Silver?

yes you can but it will take a whole lot of work

How do you get to General Darkhart on pirates online?

there is a glitch in the town to the right of the main docks you will be under the island and then you need to swim strait the whole way.

Will they be making a whole new game like lets say Pokemon granite with a whole new pokedex in a new region not like Pokemon platnium?

Pokemon platinum will be coming out later this year