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In recent years, several very efficient exact optimization algorithms have been developed in the computer science community. Examples are maximum flow algorithms, minimum-cost flow techniques, matching methods, which all are graph theoretical approaches or sophisticated branch-and-cut methods, originating in the field of linear optimization. These algorithms have now been applied to problems from physics like for random magnetic materials (random-field systems, spin glasses), in surface physics (solid-on-solid models) and many other disordered systems. The system sizes which can be treated are now much larger than ten years before, allowing the obtain now more reliable and higher significant data.

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14y ago
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10y ago

An algorithm refers to a listing of the exact steps used to do something, such as create a computer program. In computer science, algorithms are essential because they detail step by step the things that need to be accomplished by a computer program. They make sure that everything a client asks for is included in the program.

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10y ago

An algorithm is a plan that details how something is going to happen. In computer science, it is crucial that programs start with an algorithm. This makes sure that all the client's needs are included in the coding, and nothing gets left out.

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8y ago

An algorithm is a formalized step by step process or formalized set of rules to be followed in calculations or other problem-solving operations. This can be used either by a person or a machine.

A computer program is a collection ofseveral algorithms coded for machine execution that performs a desired task or group of tasks for a person or organization.

Without algorithms no computer program could be written.

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7y ago

Algorithms provide us with the finite sequence of steps required to solve a given problem and are expressed using a combination of natural language (such as plain-English) and pseudocode, as well as graphically with the aid of flowcharts. The job of a computer programmer is to translate algorithms into working code.

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13y ago

Algorithm is basic method of solving the problem in cs .

It is the step by step analysing the problem.

it has sequence no of instructions ,it always produe a unique o/p.

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15y ago

because it lets you substitute things in to problens

you can use the symbol X for unknown digits

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What is the criteria of algorithm analysis?

The term "analysis of algorithms" was coined by Donald Knuth. Algorithm analysis is an important part of a broader computational complexity theory, which provides theoretical estimates for the resources needed by any algorithm which solves a given computational problem.

What are importance of algorithm?

Algorithms are the foundation of computer Science, it is telling the computer to do the task in the most efficient matter. An algorithm is particularly important in optimizing a computer program, the efficiency of the algorithm usually determines the efficiency of the program as a whole.

What are the important of algorithm?

An "algorithm" is simply a term used for a method to solve a certain problem, often by a computer - that makes algorithms EXTREMELY important. Roughly speaking, every time you do ANYTHING on a computer, the computer runs several algorithms.

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Divide and conquer is computer science. It is an important algorithm design.

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They are different because standard algorithm is more common then the expanded algorithm

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There are two main reasons we analyze an algorithm: correctness and efficiency. By far the most important reason to analyze an algorithm is to make sure it will correctly solve your problem. If our algorithm doesn't work, nothing else matters. So we must analyze it to prove that it will always work as expected. We must also look at the efficiency of our algorithm. If it solves our problem, but does so in O(nn) time (or space!), then we should probably look at a redesign.

What is algorithm to write algorithm to the program to access a pointer variable in structure?

Here is the algorithm of the algorithm to write an algorithm to access a pointer in a variable. Algorithmically.name_of_the_structure dot name_of_the _field,eg:mystruct.pointerfield

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Black and White bakery algorithm is more efficient.

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Complexity of an algorithm is a measure of how long an algorithm would take to complete given

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The minimax algorithm is a very important part of AI. This is an example using the word minimax.

How algorithm is different from flowchart?

An algorithm is a series of steps leading to a result. A flowchart can be a graphical representation of the algorithm.

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By preparing test cases we can test an algorithm. The algorithm is tested with each test case.