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Q: If we continue to meet our energy needs with fossil fuels what might be different about the way we live in 2030 and why?
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Fossil fuels is what energy?

the energy that is in fossil fuels is chemical and radiant energy.

Are fossil fuels inexhaustible?

No, fossil fuels are not inexhaustible. They are non-renewable resources, meaning they are finite and will eventually run out if they continue to be used at current rates. This is why there is a push towards renewable energy sources to replace fossil fuels.

What will happen if fossil fuels were gone?

you will use a different energy

Is kinetic energy stored by fossil fuels?

No. Fossil fuels store chemical energy. It is this chemical energy we tap by using them for fuels.

An energy-rich substance formed from the remains of organisms is?

Fossil Fuels =)

What would happen if there were no fossil fuels?

Without fossil fuels, we would need to find alternative sources of energy like renewables (solar, wind, hydro) to power our homes, transportation, and industries. Transitioning away from fossil fuels could lead to reduced greenhouse gas emissions and cleaner air, but it would also require significant investment in new infrastructure and technologies. It may also impact certain industries and economies dependent on fossil fuels.

Are fossil fuels alternative energy?

No. Alternative energy means energy sources other than fossil fuels.

What energy source can you use instead of fossil fuels?

Fossil fuels are exhaustible. Electric energy is an alternative.

What sources of energy are most damaging to the environment?

Fossil fuels.

Are fossil fuels used to produce energy?

All fuels by definition are used to produce energy, fossil fuels are no exception. (Shorter answer: Yes.)

What do thermal energy and fossil fuels have in common?

When fossil fuels are burned, some of the chemical energy stored in them is converted into thermal energy.