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In this case current flows from a high voltage to a lower voltage in a circuit.

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Q: If voltage is increased in a circuit what happens to current series and parallel respectively?
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What is a circuit with two or more branches for current to flow called?

Parallel circuit

What circuit is a circuit in which electrical current has more than one path to follow?

A circuit that has more than one path for the current to flow is a parallel circuit. The circuit must have two or more paths to be considered parallel. A circuit that has only one current path through multiple components is a series circuit.

Is the current the same everywhere in the parallel circuit?

No. The current in a series circuit is the same everywhere. The voltage across a parallel circuit is the same.

How parallel and series circuit different?

In a series circuit, current has to pass through each part of the circuit. In a parallel circuit, the current has several alternative paths.

How many paths does a parallel circuit have?

A parallel circuit has multiple paths for the current to flow. Each branch in a parallel circuit forms a separate path for the current to travel from the source to the load.

What happens to current in a parallel circuit?

In a parallel circuit, the current splits up and flows through each branch based on the resistance of that branch. The total current entering the parallel circuit is equal to the sum of the currents flowing through each branch.

What is different between a series circuit and a parallel circuit?

In a parallel circuit there are multiple possible pathways for the current to flow.

What is the hypothesis for parallel circuits?

In a parallel circuit, the hypothesis is that when components are connected in parallel, the total current flowing into the junction equals the total current flowing out. Essentially, the hypothesis states that the total current remains constant regardless of the number of parallel paths.

What is the current called when it flows from and back to the power supply in a parallel circuit?

The current that flows from and back to the power supply in a parallel circuit is called branch current. Each branch in a parallel circuit has its own current flow that combines to form the total current drawn from the power supply.

what happens to current in a circuit?

in a parallel circuit, current get divided among the parallel branches in a manner so that the product of current and the resistance of each branch becomes same. The sum of the current in each branch is equal to the total current of the circuit.

What type of an electrical circuit has more than one current branch?

A parallel circuit has more than one current branch. In a parallel circuit, the components are connected in separate paths to the voltage source, allowing for multiple current paths and different current levels through each branch.

What happens to the current in a parallel circuit when more bulbs are added?

When more bulbs are added to a parallel circuit, the total current in the circuit increases because each bulb provides an additional path for current to flow. This is because in a parallel circuit, the current is divided amongst the branches, so adding more branches (bulbs) will increase the total current.