

Best Answer

Some of ways to solve this problem is to use four nested loops for().
Something like following:
const int limit = 1000;
//some code here
for (int i(0); i <= limit; i++)
for (int j(0); j <= limit; j++)
for (int k(0); k <= limit; k++)
for (int l(0); l <= limit; l++)
if ((i + j + k) == l)
cout << endl << "i + j + k = l and equals to " << l << endl;


cout << "ijkl equals to " << (i*j*k*l) << endl;




//some code here

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Q: How to write a program that for all integers i j k and l from1 to1000 finds and prints all combinations of i j k and l such that i plus j plus k equals l and ijkl?
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