This link has a great example of accessing the Excel API using Perl.
We can read and write to files with the help of file commands in c programming.There are so many commands related to file for read,write,append,delete etc.
When you ask questions like this, you need to specify what format your data is in. A common format is CSV. I believe that Excel accepts CSV format. Maybe if you write your file in CSV and change it from yourfile.txt to yourfile.csv, then Excel will be able to read it properly. Or maybe you'll have to search through the Excel options for CSV. If I'm wrong and Excel can't read CSV, then I for one have no idea what Excel's format is like. CSV is quite simple. You write out each row of the spreadsheet as a line of text, and you separate the columns using commas. Example: Year,Sales,Profit 2006,42018,6320 2007,44619,7706 2008,47328,9584 2009,41621,-800
Save your file as Excel xls format. Use the File-->Save As... menu and select the file type in the save dialog. For a video How to, see related links.
Ubuntu supports a large number of file systems, including ext2 (read/write), ext3 (read/write), ext4 (read/write), ReiserFS (read/write), JFS (read/write), XFS (read/write), FAT (read/write), and NTFS (read, additional software available for writing). With the exception of NTFS, it can also boot off of the above file systems.
I suggest something like this:* Open file1 and file2 * Create a temporary output file, for writing * Read a line from file1, write it into the output file * Read a line from file2, write it into the output file * Repeat the previous two steps, while you are not at end-of-file in either of the two files * At this point, if you are NOT at end-of-file in file1, read the remaining lines of file1, and write them to the output (you can write a loop for this). * Similarly, if you are NOT at end-of-file in file2, read and write the remaining file. * Close file1, file2, and the output file. * Copy the temporary output file back to file1 * Erase the temporary output file
It depends. There is no direct relationship between Windows and Excel versions. If you have Windows XP, you probably use Excel 2003. If you have Windows 7, you probably use Excel 2007 or Excel 2010. Excel 2007 and later can read Excel 2003 files, but Excel 2003 cannot read Excel 2007 files, unless you save the files in "compatibility mode." Excel 2007 and later contain some features not available with Excel 2003 and earlier. If you need to use the same worksheets with several versions, then save your files in compatibility mode with the newer versions.
The best option is to find a step-by-step guide that can carefully explain the steps and give examples. One such guide can be found at a website called PageResource. Select CGI and Perl and click on the tutorial Perl: Reading from a File.
We can read and write to files with the help of file commands in c programming.There are so many commands related to file for read,write,append,delete etc.
Files that can only be read (data can be retirieved) are called read-only files. You cannot write any data into a read-only file (you cannot edit it).
When you ask questions like this, you need to specify what format your data is in. A common format is CSV. I believe that Excel accepts CSV format. Maybe if you write your file in CSV and change it from yourfile.txt to yourfile.csv, then Excel will be able to read it properly. Or maybe you'll have to search through the Excel options for CSV. If I'm wrong and Excel can't read CSV, then I for one have no idea what Excel's format is like. CSV is quite simple. You write out each row of the spreadsheet as a line of text, and you separate the columns using commas. Example: Year,Sales,Profit 2006,42018,6320 2007,44619,7706 2008,47328,9584 2009,41621,-800
The best way to become an expert or professional at using Excel is to practice and read the help files. Go through all of the topics in the help files and practice with them while creating different worksheets and workbooks. Excel is a really fun program to work with.
Files can be classified based on their type (e.g. text, image, video), their access permissions (e.g. read-only, read-write), and their purpose (e.g. system files, user files). This classification helps organize and manage files effectively.
No, MS excel opens xls/xlsx files (spreadsheets). To open a pdf file you need software like Adobe Reader.
Save your file as Excel xls format. Use the File-->Save As... menu and select the file type in the save dialog. For a video How to, see related links.
You will need to use System.Data.OleDb to do it right. See the link for the full code sample in VB and C#
Ideally you need Microsoft Excel to open .xls files. Some other applications, like Calc in Open Office can also open them. Some of the other Microsoft applications can also open them.
Are you looking specifically for a Perl answer, or a general answer? Most shell environments can do this as well, use the 'read' command.