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800 cubic centimeters.

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800 cubic centimeters....volume

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Q: How to define 800 cc engine?
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What is engine size in cc?

define engine cc size 246cm

800 cc car engine is equal to how much power in watts?

2248 watt power

How many cc's in a 6.1liter engine?

6.1L = 6100cc

What does cc stands for in measuring car's power?

The amount of cc's in an engine do not DO anything. The amount of cc's in an engine ARE something. The amount of cc's is the piston displacement measured in Cubic Centimetres. For example : Imagine that the cylinder was filled with water, the piston then rises from the bottom to the top of the cylinder. The amount of water that the piston pushes out of the cylinder (displaced) is then measured in Cubic Centimetres. If each cylinder was 100 cc a four cylinder engine's pistons would displace 400 cc 's.

BHP to CC relationship how can we relate BHP to CC How can 150CC bike produce 20 BHP where as an 350CC bike just produces 18 BHP?

cc is used to know about the engine size.....where as bhp tells you how much power is delivered at shaft doesn't mean that larger engine size will produce more bhp than smaller one....both are - cubic centimetres . to measure the engine displacement .bhp - brake horse power . to measure the power of a vehiclet's just a way to compare engines.The number of cc's the related to an engine, is the size of the engine. The actual size of the combustion chambers where the fuel is burned. Normally, the higher the cc's, the more fuel burned, therefore the more power.bhp is the actual horsepower put out by the engine as built, before attached to the car, which will be lower, as a nominal amount of horsepower is needed to turn the driveshaft and drive gears.t's just a way to compare engines.

Related questions

What is engine size in cc?

define engine cc size 246cm

What is the meaning of 150 cc engine?

cc means cubic centimetre the fastest car in the world bugatti veyron have 20000cc compared to maruti 800 cc. if cc increases the mileage will decreases

What is the cc of maruti 800?

The Maruti 800 has a total of 796 cc

800 cc car engine is equal to how much power in watts?

2248 watt power

How many cups is 800 cc's?

800 cc is equivalent to approximately 3.4 cups.

How many oz in 800 cc s?

There are approximately 27.05 fluid ounces in 800 cubic centimeters (cc).

The formula of calculating the CC of an engine and what does CC stands for with reference?

CC stands for cubic centimeters. In U.S. terms that would relate to Cubic inches to describe the volume or size of an engine. To convert CC or cubic centimeters to cubic inches see the following example: 1 cubic inch = 16.4 cubic centimeter To convert an 800 cc motor to equivalent cubic inches: Divide 800 by 16.39. There are 16.39 cubic centimeters in 1 cubic inch. 800 cc / 16.39 = 48.8 cu-inches Similarly: You may notice that Harley motorcycle engine sizes are usual listed in Cubic inches. 88 cubic inches is a common Harley engine size. Therefore, the following would be performed to convert from cubic inches to CC so that these engines could be compared to many foreign engines that are described in units of CC. 88 cubic inches x 16.39 = 1442 CC

800 cc equals how many ml?

Each cubic centimeter equals one milliliter; so 800 cc = 800 ml

800 CC what does CC stands for?

The 'cc' stands for cubic centimeters. A cc is also referred to as a milliliter (mL).

What is the CC rating of a 2006 suzuki boulevard c50?

800-805 cc

If a car has 800 cc capacity what does it mean and how it is estimated?

800 cubic centimeters is the size of the engine. That is 0.8 liters, which is how engine size is also measured. Think of it as the "volume" of the engine. It's a puny engine by today's standards; at least in a car. Consider that an average car in the united states has a 2500cc engine. A bugatti veyron has a 16000cc engine. Engine size is generally proportional to engine power. In simple terms, it is the total volume of all the cylinders of the engine and may also be termed as water capacity ie how much water in cc that can be filled in the cylinders.

What is 800 cc in horsepower?

There's really no good way of telling, as it would depend on how hard the engine had been tuned.