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It's not the voltage that determine the size of the conductor,it's the current.

The rule of thumb is: 6A for every 1mm sq

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Q: How the diameter of conductor can be calculated for a perticular voltage?
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What three things effect the value of the applyed voltage in a conductor?

Lenght, diameter and material of the conductor.

Why twin moose conductor used in EHV Lines?

The twin moose type of conductor has by far the greatest diameter of any conductor. This allows it to carry more voltage than other types without melting or shorting. Therefore, it is the approved type of conductor for extra high voltage lines.

What will the current-carrying capacity be if a conductor has a diameter of one half inch but there is a nick in one section so that the diameter of that section is one fourth inch?

The current-carrying capacity will decrease due to the reduced cross-sectional area of the nicked section. The exact reduction will depend on the length of the nicked section and its impact on the overall flow of current. It is important to assess the extent of damage and consult relevant standards or guidelines to determine the safe current-carrying capacity of the conductor in such a scenario.

What is the voltage source and what is the conductor in a circuit?

The voltage source is the source of the electricity. The conductor is what the electricity flows through to reach its destination. Example: A battery is a voltage source and an electrical wire is the conductor.

What is the voltage source and what is the conductor in a battery?

The battery is the voltage or power source, the wires form the conductor.

What is the voltage source and what is the conductor in a battery circuit?

The battery is the voltage or power source, the wires form the conductor.

Can current pass throug one thick conductor?

Wire is sized to carry current, it doesn't matter whether the voltage is AC or DC. The larger the diameter of the wire the more current it is allowed to carry.

What is the relationship between voltage and MA?

The "current" through any conductor is voltage across the conductor/conductor's resistance .The current is measured in "Amperes" (amps)."MA" stands for "Milliamps". There are 1,000 of those in one whole ampere.So, the current through a conductor is1,000 times the voltage across the conductor/conductor's resistance . . . in MA

How do you calculate the amount of current a conductor can carry?

The amount of current a conductor can carry is determined by factors such as the material, size, and temperature of the conductor. It is calculated using Ohm's Law (I = V / R), where I is the current, V is the voltage, and R is the resistance of the conductor. The conductor's ampacity rating also provides guidance on the maximum current it can safely carry without overheating.

Will an increase of applied voltage decrease the resistance of a copper conductor?

No, the resistance is fixed by the cross section and length of the conductor and does not vary with voltage.

When a voltage is applied to a conductor free electrons?

When a voltage is applied to a conductor, free electrons gain energy and move in response to the electric field created by the voltage. This movement of electrons constitutes an electric current flowing through the conductor.

How do you calculate diameter of a copper wire conductor and how do we calculate resistance of a copper wire conductor of a particaular length?

You go to the NEC and look at the chart for developed length and the ambient temperature and the load factor and if it solid or stranded wire as stranded allows for more voltage