There is no security. P2P wasn't designed to be secure. Anyone can see what files you are downloading and sharing, and what you are searching for. But as long as there is no personal information on the files that you share, the only information about you as a person that they can get is your IP address, which isn't very useful. Your ISP and the police are the only people who can find out who you are using your IP address. You could make P2P slightly more secure by using an encrypted proxy. -DJ Craig
The ability to get a virus easily, and speeds are slower.
Array Networks was created in 2000.
Classification of networks based on transmission technology?There are two types of networks are available in this transmission technology.They are1.Broadcast Network2.Point-to- Point Network.
No, email is transmitted in plaintext. A secure solution would involve encrypting your email or using a more secure protocol (secure ftp, ssh, https, etc)
yes it is easy to secure the peer to peer connections.......
Nope. There is no server in peer to peer networks. Only client computers connected to each other.
The reason peer to peer networks aren't usually installed in large businesses is because of the security risk. Peer to peer networks allow all users on the network access to each others files and systems.
They are called Peer to Peer networks, or P2P for short.
It's only true for so called "peer-to-peer" networks.
Prohibited on DoD computers or networks
Distinguish between Peer-to-Peer and server based networks
client server n peer to peer
a special 1!