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Q: How queue is implemented?
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Why BFS is implemented using queue and DFS is implemented using stack?

yes pagal

Write a program to display a content of a queue?

This is really dependent how your queue is implemented. Unfortunately, working from the outside of a queue, this is usually impossible without removing all elements from the queue. while !queue.isEmpty() print queue.dequeue()

Why an operation to check queue overflow is not implemented on linked queue?

In linked queue we're dynamically allocating the memory and there's no fixed memory limit in Linked Queue. That's why there's no operation for overflow. I guess It's the correct reason

What is circular queue .operations circular queue.?

Queue is difined as a special type of data structure .where elements are inserted one end &elements are deleted same end .The end from where they elements are inserted is called as "Rear end".The end from where elements are deleted is called "Front end". A linear queue is akin to the queue at the post office: it can be envisioned to be linear in space, and limited in space. When a linear queue of finite capacity is full, new arrivals are turned away (elements cannot be added, post office customers walk away). A circular queue behaves just like a normal queue, but is typically implemented in a a structure akin to a circle. The typical behavior is that the circular queue, when full, does not turn new entries away, but makes space by removing the oldest element in the queue. Of course, a queue might also be implemented to be of infinite, or virtually infinite, capacity.

What are conditions for full circular queues?

There are 2 conditions for queue full if queue is implemented using arrays. First condition is Front = 1 and Rear = N Second condition is Front = Rear + 1

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Why BFS is implemented using queue and DFS is implemented using stack?

yes pagal

Write down the function to insert an element into a queue, in which the queue is implemented as an array?

bring the police they will be in que by themselves

Write a program to display a content of a queue?

This is really dependent how your queue is implemented. Unfortunately, working from the outside of a queue, this is usually impossible without removing all elements from the queue. while !queue.isEmpty() print queue.dequeue()

Why an operation to check queue overflow is not implemented on linked queue?

In linked queue we're dynamically allocating the memory and there's no fixed memory limit in Linked Queue. That's why there's no operation for overflow. I guess It's the correct reason

What is circular queue operations circular queue?

A circular queue is similar to the normal queue with the difference that queue is circular queue ; that is pointer rear can point to beginning of the queue when it reaches at the end of the queue. Advantage of this type of queue is that empty location let due to deletion of elements using front pointer can again be filled using rear pointer. There are 2 conditions for queue full if queue is implemented using arrays. First condition is Front = 1 and Rear = N Second condition is Front = Rear + 1

What is circular queue .operations circular queue.?

Queue is difined as a special type of data structure .where elements are inserted one end &elements are deleted same end .The end from where they elements are inserted is called as "Rear end".The end from where elements are deleted is called "Front end". A linear queue is akin to the queue at the post office: it can be envisioned to be linear in space, and limited in space. When a linear queue of finite capacity is full, new arrivals are turned away (elements cannot be added, post office customers walk away). A circular queue behaves just like a normal queue, but is typically implemented in a a structure akin to a circle. The typical behavior is that the circular queue, when full, does not turn new entries away, but makes space by removing the oldest element in the queue. Of course, a queue might also be implemented to be of infinite, or virtually infinite, capacity.

What are conditions for full circular queues?

There are 2 conditions for queue full if queue is implemented using arrays. First condition is Front = 1 and Rear = N Second condition is Front = Rear + 1

What are the different between stack and queue?

A stack is generally First In, Last Out, and a queue is First In First Out.Item can be added or removed only at one end in stack and in a queue insertion at the rear and deletion from the front.The basic operation of stack are 'push' and 'pop', on other hand of queue are 'enque' and 'dequeue'.

What are types of Queue?

Queue is a data structure which is based on FIFO that is first in first out. Following are the types of queue: Linear queue Circular queue Priority queue Double ended queue ( or deque )

Which queue most efficient queue using array?

circular queue

What is the plural of queue?

Queues is the plural of queue.

What is difference between job queue and ready queue?

Ready queue contain all the jobs that are ready to the job queue and the ready queue are one and the same.