Something that you dont want (waste) that can be recycled.
You should take it to a recycling store and recycle it. This is too general for a specific answer. Solid waste cannot be recycled until it is sorted. After sorting, some of it can be recycled easily.
tangible waste can be recycled, such as cardboard, paper, plastics etc
Waste to Energy Conversion is when you take waste (the combustible parts of household garbage, for example, that cannot be otherwise recycled) and burn it to run an electricity generator. Then you have used waste to make energy.
according to researches, over 300 billion is recycled per year
a lot
None of the 'E' but sometimes some 'P' is recycled
About 100 tons out of 1.500.
around 10 billion pounds of waste is recycled each year as u can see that is much less than what goes into our oceans we need to save our oceans!
Only about 7% of the total plastic used is recycled. However, it depends on the type of plastic. Some, such as PET drinks bottles, are recycled to a much greater degree (up to 35%) whereas others such as expanded polystyrene cannot be recycled at all.
garden can be recycled into fertilizer
are there any byproducts made from recycled human waste?
I assume that you mean Bodily Waste. Urine and Feces are recycled to capture as much moisture as is possible. That water is recycled into drinking water (Yuck!). Any leftover solid waste is stored for later disposal.
Yes. Food waste can be made into compost. Paper goods can be recycled as well. Many food and beverage containers can be recycled.
Electronic waste is commonly known as e-waste. Nearly 100% of this waste is recyclable, although ony about 12.5% is actually recycled.