desaltination plants cost alot of money to both run and build. It can cost up to millions, maybe even billions of dollars.
$ 1 per cubic meter
it varies by location Luap
100 million , get the people the land, training.
It depends on its capacity or daily desalinized water volume.
a small one is half a million a big one is 3 million
$ 1 per cubic meter
how much does it cost to build a big water plant?
It cost about 2.3 million dollars
All depending on the size of the plant..
it varies by location Luap
it depends on where you are and how you do it.
The cost of desalinating water varies depending on factors such as the technology used, energy costs, location, and scale of the desalination plant. On average, desalination can cost between $0.50 to $3 per cubic meter of water. Advanced technologies like reverse osmosis tend to be more expensive than traditional methods like distillation.
100 million , get the people the land, training.
It depends on its capacity or daily desalinized water volume.
it approximately costs 2500 USD/KW of electricity
Zach is really awsome so is Devon and Matt
a small one is half a million a big one is 3 million