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you need more information my way. you use 2 formula v=ir and p=i*i*r.





p=power (heat given out)

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Q: How much amount of heat will be produced when one amphere current flows through a conductor?
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What happens when an electrical current runs through a conductor?

When an electrical current runs through a conductor, electrons flow in the direction of the current. This flow of electrons creates a magnetic field around the conductor. The amount of current flowing through the conductor is directly proportional to the strength of the magnetic field produced.

Why heat is produced when current is passed through a conductor?

When current passes through a conductor, the electrons collide with atoms in the conductor, causing them to vibrate and generate heat. This is because the collisions lead to an increase in kinetic energy, which is released in the form of heat. The amount of heat produced is directly proportional to the resistance of the conductor and the square of the current passing through it, as described by Joule's Law.

What do ammeters mesure?

ammeter measures the current flowing through the circuit in the unit of amphere.

Current passing through a conductor is increased from 10 A to 15 A. This decreases the strength of the magnetic field produced by the conductor.?

Increasing the current passing through a conductor results in a stronger magnetic field, not a weaker one. Therefore, increasing the current from 10 A to 15 A should increase the strength of the magnetic field produced by the conductor.

What will be the effect on heat produced the when the current flowing through a conductor is doubled keeping other factors constant?

The heat produced in the conductor will increase four times when the current is doubled, as heat produced is directly proportional to the square of the current according to Joule's Law.

What is joule's law of heating?

Joule's law of heating states that the amount of heat produced by a current passing through a conductor is directly proportional to the square of the current and the resistance of the conductor, as well as the time the current flows through the conductor. It is mathematically represented by the equation Q = I^2Rt, where Q is the heat produced, I is the current, R is the resistance, and t is the time.

What is produced whenever there is a flow of electrons in a wire?

Electric current is the movement of electrons through a conductor.

What are three ways you can change the magnetic field produced by a current?

You can change the magnetic field produced by a current by altering the strength of the current flowing through the conductor, changing the direction of the current flow, or varying the distance between the conductor and the point where you are measuring the magnetic field.

Dc current having magnetic field?

When a direct current (DC) flows through a conductor, it generates a magnetic field around the conductor. This phenomenon is described by Ampere's law, which states that a magnetic field is produced around a current-carrying conductor. The strength of the magnetic field is directly proportional to the current flowing through the conductor.

How does electromagnetic induction produce induced current?

Before you can understand how electrical energy is supplied by your electric company, you need to know how it is produced. A magnet and a conductor, such as a wire, can be used to induce a current in the conductor. The key is motion. An electric current is induced in a conductor when the conductor moves through a magnetic field. Generating an electric current from the motion of a conductor through a magnetic field is called electromagnetic induction. Current that is generated in this way is called induced current. To induce a current in a conductor, either the conductor can move through the magnetic field or the magnet itself can move.

When an electric charge moves through a conductor there is an electric in the conductor?

When an electric charge moves through a conductor, an electric current is generated in the conductor. The flow of electrons creates a flow of current in the conductor, which is the movement of electric charge through the material.

How can the magnetic field produced around a current carrying conductor be detected?

The magnetic field produced around a current carrying conductor can be detected using a magnetic compass, a Hall effect sensor, or a magnetometer. These devices can detect the direction and strength of the magnetic field generated by the current flowing through the conductor.