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Engineers put very accurate models of new airplanes in wind tunnels to see how aerodynamic they are.

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Q: How might a scientist use a model to test a new airplane design?
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Where agile model is used?

Agile model is used when the requirements changes very frequently and unpredictability exists i.e. analysis, design, and testing are not predictable (from a planning point of view ) as we might like.

Why do scientist first want to build and study a model of their proposed project?

Building a model forces a scientist to think about how the parts of the model interrelate and interact with each other. This may help the scientist to formulate better questions about the real system. In addition it is usually far easier to manipulate a model than it is to make changes to a real system so that the implications of those changes can be studied. Once the scientist believes that they understand the model, or suspects that the model has exhausted its usefulness, they can either build a better model or try testing some hypotheses in the read world.

Do bridge engineers design bridges?

They will create a model which is similar to that of the dimensions of the prototype. And also the model which is created should hsve same material properties of that of the prototype. And the model can be tested in the laboratory.

What is the main respsibilities of a messman?

For C#, there is no such thing. But if you are the one design/model a messman, then you can put anything you want in messman, whether it is a good design or not become the next question

When scientists create a representation of a complex process they are?

When scientist creates a representation of a complex process, he is making a model. A model may be physical or conceptual in nature.

Related questions

When might a scientist use a model as a research method?

A scientist might use a model as a research method for a few reasons. This model could tell the scientist how something moves for example.

When might a scientist use a model?

When the scientist is trying to represent an object or a system.

How would you use a model to test the design of a new airplane?

like 2 hours and 50 minutes

When might a scientist use a model as a research methods?

to get a bona

When might a scientist use model as a research method?

to get a bona

When might scientist use a model as a research method?

to get a bona

When might a scientist use a model as research method?

to get a bona

How is a new species or group or species represented in the scientist's model?

someone might have mrs. lynch.

How is a new species or a group of species represented in scientist's model?

someone might have mrs. lynch.

What does a1 mean on a gun?

Indicates a model change from the original. The original might be a Model 1911. When it has a design change, it is now a Model 1911A1.

Did cessna manufacture a cessna 209 airplane?

No, but.. Cessna, like many other aircraft manufacturers had their own logic to model designations, and it is unlikely that every design given a model number within the design department makes it to the shop floor to be manufactured. That said, if you do an Image search for this fake model number, you get some great photoshopped aircraft!

Where can I buy model airplane paint online?

You can buy model airplane paint online at You can also buy model airplanes and other accessories there.