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Divide the wattage by the voltage. If it is 120Volt then the answer is .15Amp

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Q: How many watts does a 18 watt floresent light bulb consume?
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What is 60w light bulb?

a normal incandescent 60 watt light bulb uses 60 watts of electricity to produce 20 watts worth of light, and 40 watts worth of heat. It is more of a heat bulb than a light bulb. it is great if you can capitalise on the free heat, but if it is not cold in your house, turn it off. is there a better bulb? no. why are they ideal? cheap (as low as 10 cents for the el cheapos), never change shape/design/size/compatability, make pleasant light I could go on for an hour, but the best bulb is the cheapest.

Does a 100 watts light bulb have 100 watts or does it use 100 watts when lit?

Use 100 watts

How many amps in a low voltage light bulb?

Look on the light bulb for the voltage and the power in watts. Then divide the watts by the voltage and that gives the amps. Some CFL bulbs also state the current as well as the voltage and power, which is because they can have a poor power factor.

Who consume more energy a 40W bulb or 40W tube?

It's the 40W tube! because it's nonlinear: indeed it generates harmonics which increase the apparent power and thus the apparent energy.

How many watts equal 35 lumen's?

There is no direct conversion for this, because these are two separate things. Watts is actual power usage. "Lumens" is how much light is provided from a specified amount of power. The typical light bulb converts some of the electricity driven through it into light, and the rest into heat. The more efficient the light bulb, the less power per lumen will be required.That is why newer bulbs can be purchased that are 13 watts and advertised as equivalent to 60 watt incandescent bulbs - the light output is roughly equivalent (lumens), but the power usage is substantially different.

Related questions

Is a watt a light bulb?

A 60 watt light bulb is a light bulb with 60 watts capacity. When talking about watts, you're talking about the power that is transferred from the appliance to the accessories. Therefore, the light bulb labeled "60 watts" takes 60 watts to light up. A 60 watt light bulb will not be as bright as a 120 watt light bulb.

Which bulb last longer an incandescent light bulb or Compact fluorescent lights?

compact floresent

What does 40W mean on a light bulb?

40W on a light bulb indicates that the bulb consumes 40 watts of power. This measurement refers to the amount of energy the bulb consumes to produce light. In general, higher wattage bulbs produce more light but also consume more energy.

Is Watts light bulb OK for weed plant?

Can I use 50 watts light bulb for weed plant

What it is the difference between 100 watts and 75 watt light bulb?

The main difference between a 100-watt and a 75-watt light bulb is the amount of light output they produce. A 100-watt bulb will be brighter and consume more energy compared to a 75-watt bulb. The 100-watt bulb may also generate more heat than the 75-watt bulb.

What is the power of light bulb mesured in?

a light bulb is measured in watts

How many watts in C7 light bulb?

A typical C7 incandescent light bulb consumes around 5-7 watts of power. LED versions consume less, around 0.5-1 watt.

What is 60w light bulb?

a normal incandescent 60 watt light bulb uses 60 watts of electricity to produce 20 watts worth of light, and 40 watts worth of heat. It is more of a heat bulb than a light bulb. it is great if you can capitalise on the free heat, but if it is not cold in your house, turn it off. is there a better bulb? no. why are they ideal? cheap (as low as 10 cents for the el cheapos), never change shape/design/size/compatability, make pleasant light I could go on for an hour, but the best bulb is the cheapest.

What consumes more power a light bulb or toaster?

A toaster typically consumes more power than a light bulb because it requires more energy to generate heat for toasting bread. A typical toaster can consume around 800-1500 watts, while a standard incandescent light bulb typically uses about 60 watts.

How many watt does a 60 watt light bulb use if turn it on and off?

If you turn a 60 watt light bulb on and off, it will still consume 60 watts when it is turned on. The act of turning it off does not reduce its power consumption when it is on. However, when the light bulb is turned off, it consumes no power.

How many watts does a light bulb use per week?

Your question is rather like asking "How many miles per hour do you do in a week?" You don't consume watts over time, it's a measure of how many joules of energy you consume over time.

Which light bulb has fewer watts?