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There are three types Java based applications.

1. Stand alone application: Where the application can be run on the machine where the code is available and the application is required on minimum one main method. Developed using J2SE API

Code has to be distributed to get the output

Eg: MSOffice

2. Web Application: Where the application is residing on some container and can be access from any where either from intranet or internet depends on the container exposed and cab developed using J2SE and J2EE

Eg: Any internet based applications like Facebook

Technology: Servlets and JSPs

Framework: Struts and Spring MVC

Architecture: MVC

Requirement: Webserver which has Servlet container and JSP Container

ie WebContainer = Servlet Container + JSP Container

Limitations: Supports only HTTP based requests

3. Enterpise Application: These are superset of Webapplications and with additional functionalities like more sophisticated for Business logic where applications needed more transactions ( DB interations) and security.

Technology: Servlets, JSP and EJBs

Frame Work: Any Frame work including Struts and Spring

Architecture: MVC-n tire

Requirement: EJB Container along with WebContainer


1. Protocol Independent

2. Fully Distributed

3. Full fledged business logic can be implemented with out any other frame works or tools like ORM

4. Supports JTA and JPA

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All types of programs can be developed using Java language.

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Default Constructor

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Non Parameterised Constructor

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