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None. Ada Lovelace is credited with creating the first algorithm intended to be carried out by a machine but she did not develop any programming languages. She died in 1852, a Century before machines were even capable of translating high-level code into machine code.

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Q: How many programming language does Ada Lovelace developed?
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What was the first computer programming language and who gives the concepts of programming?

Ada Lovelace is often quoted as being the first computer programmer, and Charles Babbage is often quoted as being the first computer hardware designer. Many people have since invented newer and arguably better ways to implement software.

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What are the Examples of portable programming language?

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Why program in c language?

It is the most common programming language, but of course there are many others. It is one of the easiest computer programming.

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There are various scripting languages for web application testing: Java: The Sun Microsystems developed JAVA is one of the most popular programming languages on the internet. Java is an open-source language, which means it is available free-of-cost. PHP: PHP is used to signify the PHP Hypertext Processor language and it is an interpreted script language. It is best suited for server-side programming that includes repetitive server-tasks performed during the development of your website.PHP has been used for so long that its community has contributed many powerful tools for PHP Website developer. Python: Python is a dynamic language which means that the developer can write and run the code without needing a separate compiler for the purpose. It supports multiple programming paradigms such as object-oriented programming, structured programming, and even functional programming to a certain extent. Ruby: Ruby was developed in the year 1993 by Yukihiro Matsumoto as a programming language to offer a balance of functional programming along with imperative programming.

What is advangate of c language?

A popular programming language, available on many platforms.